Lucky idiot!

So I am currently staying at a hotel and after going to the gym I come back to my room and see this.


Wow they actually folded my cloth! I am a messy hotel guest and cloths were all over when i left, floor bed and bathroom.

I rarely get that nice of a room service.

Then I turn around and find this:

WTF the wallet is full of bens. loose hundy bills, there for the taking.

I am at a casino and I am sure this happens a lot here. But how hard must it be for someone that earns minimum wage to see all this loose cash and not want to take some.

I counted the money and it looks like she did not steal any!

I left my room to hunt her down. She was cleaning another room and I handed her a $20 bill and said:

„Thank you for for not stealing my money!“

what silly thing have You done lately?

Have you done something this silly lately and gotton away with it? Would love to hear your story! Share it in the comments and earn a bounty.

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