Totem Portraits part 3

I started this piece as individual portraits, but they just wanted to hang together so they became one piece! Like the other self portraits, they are done with oil paints and 23 carat gold leaf.


The deer has been my most faithful totem in terms of guidance. S/he has come to me numerous times in dreams when I most needed guidance. The deer is a symbol of Spirit found in many cultures. The Indigenous Huichol Indians of Mexico even call their shamans ‘Marakame’ which literally means guardian of the Deer.

This peaceful and kind totem leads us to Spirit through Love. For Love is the only objective I want to embody in this Life voyage. I follow this totem’s guidance with reverence!

For the deer portrait I included my son and morphed both our eyes onto this noble creature.

deer detail_preview.jpeg

Snake is also a very strong totem for me. In ancient times, snake was seen as a symbol for the Goddess. It represented wisdom. As most of us know, the snake and the female were later to fall from grace and become the religious culprits for our fall from Eden.
Indigenous cultures around the world still hold the Snake in high esteem. Anyone who has done serious vision quests has most likely found this amazingly powerful totem in their visions. It has come to me in many visions as well as dreams.


The Octopus! What can I say? I have never had this creature in a dream or a vision but how I love it! My love for its intelligence and beauty has brought it into my heart to share space with my favorite guides.


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