# 🇬🇧英國深度環島遊 # 4 哈利波特迷要看及蘇格蘭點滴 Round the Isle UK trip #4 Calling Harry Potter fans and showcasing Scottish snippets🇬🇧


My round the Isle UK trip continues into Scotland and this time I'm going to show you the famous Harry Potter Hogwarts Railway Viaduct and snippets of Scotland including the stunning Scottish sunset.



Harry Potter fans will be familiar with The Hogwarts Railway viaduct. In real life it is called the Glenfinnan Viaduct located in Scotland between Fort William and Mallaig. Although I was going to drive from Fort William to Mallaig as part of my round the Isle UK trip , I still wanted to ride the famous West Highland Line as it is one of the most scenic train routes in Britain. The 66km journey lasts for about an hour and a half, and the highlight must be going over the Glenfinnan Viaduct. About half an hour into the journey, as I was busy admiring the breathtaking scenery, the train suddenly started to slow down.



At first I wasn't sure why, then suddenly I saw the stunning 380m long viaduct with its 21 semi circular spans appear in front of my eyes. The driver had slowed down deliberately for the passengers as we approached to pass the famous viaduct and even stopped momentarily on the viaduct itself. Not being a Harry Potter fan, I was able to admire this masterpiece in its original form, without the distraction of any movies scenes that I had heard about.





Once we arrived back to Fort William we drove out to the nearby Commando Memorial to see "The Ben". Unlike Taiwan, UK is not a mountainous country and our highest mountain Ben Nevis stands at 1345m, low in comparison to the mountains in Taiwan but nonetheless still a very popular spot for climbers attracting 150k ascends each year. The Ben and its range of neighbouring mountains can be seen clearly from the Commando Memorial, especially on the clear day when we were there. At a distance, The Ben didn't even seem that high, more like a hill, but then everything needs to be looked at in perspective and not in isolation to understand the truth.



The Commando Memorial was built as a dedication to the Commandos who fought and died in the Second World War. In recent years, a Garden of Remembrance was added next to the statue for surviving Commandos to scatter their ashes after they pass away. Likewise, families who have lost their loved ones from other Commando units in recent year conflicts have also used the Garden as a tribute. The Memorial was very quiet when we visited on the cold March afternoon, save for a handful of other tourists, and an old gentleman sitting quietly by himself on the bench next to the statue. Was he there to remember the comrades that didn't return from the war with him, or did he lose someone close in recent year conflicts?


下午我們繼續駕車到下一站Morar,一個在Mallaig外面的小村莊。我們會在第二天早上將會從 Mallaig 乘渡輪到 Isle of Skye。下午駕車路線與早上火車路線幾乎是相同的,但這一次我從另一個稍為不同的角度看到風景。一天內連續看兩次美景依然很漂亮,絕不覺得厭倦。

In the afternoon we drove to our next stop Morar, a tiny little village just outside of Mallaig, as we would take the ferry from Mallaig to the Isle of Skye the next morning. Our driving router to Morar was pretty much the same as the train ride in the morning. Only this time, we got to see the scenery from a slightly different angle, but it was just as stunning as it was in the morning.




We rounded off our day at a hilltop at Morar watching the beautiful sunset slowly disappear above the Atlantic Ocean. Suddenly I realised we were already half way through our road trip, time flies when you are enjoying yourself.




If you've missed the previous posts for my Round the Isle UK trip, you can read them here
英國深度環島遊菜單 ~~ An overview of my Round the Isle UK trip

英國深度環島遊 # 1 博學多才的Lichfield 和曼城街頭的香港漫畫人物 ~~ Part 1 Lichfield and Manchester

英國深度環島遊 # 2 沒有網絡的日子 Round the Isle UK trip #2 Living off the grid in Yorkshire Dales

英國深度環島遊 # 3 蘇格蘭的世外桃源 Round the Isle UK trip #3 The surreal Scottish Lochs

And you can read all my other travel posts here on Steemit Worldmap


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