Mockery. Helpful or hurtful...?....Comedyopenmic#15


Why arguing against ideologues is a very low IQ activity....

(The kicker argument is at the bottom of the post...)

I have recently been exploring ideologueous anarchus recently,(also know as ideolougeous voluntarus).
From recent explorations into ideologueous communnus, I though it important to compare the two very different, but very similar species...

Here is a list of the commonality of the two different branches of the same species..

  1. They have no ability to listen, but posses ears.
  2. They have no ability to see, but possess eyes.
  3. They exhibit extreme narcissistic personality traits, of various types.(covert, overt, etc)
  4. They ignore things that they do not like to hear. They retreat to echo chambers. (see picture below).

This was an an actual event that I witnessed. It wasn't pretty.


5)The perceived omniscience and moral high ground makes them impervious to any common sense.
6)They have no sense of humor. See below for a comparative chart.


7)IQ level drops (even more) with over exposure. (omniscience ignoramus is a slow acting, but crippling, condition)


8)The underlying insecurity of position all ideologues seem to possess is very ugly.
9)The anger that emerges when pointing out hypocrisies is also very ugly. It's worse than genital warts, in my opinion.

10)They cannot funtion without an enemy. But the enemy always has to be able to beat them.
Essentially they are masochistic in nature, with low selfesteem but expressing high degrees of narcissism, possibly pathologically sociopath- but more studies will have to be conducted.
But I'm not doing that, because it is incredibly tedious.

oh the kicker! - I nearly forgot.

The ideologues intelligence.

Many ideologues don't like IQ as a measure of intelligence.
Governments actually ban the use of it. it, and insist on 5 years of higher indoctrinationeducation.
It is notable the critical aspect all ideologies seem to take son IQ , as do the authorities...
Are there any little bells ringing in your head, yet?

All authoritarian states do not like empirical evidence.
For it pins fact and logic - objectivity - over subjective thoughts and values. They are not malleable to suit narratives...

I digress....
So if we DON'T use IQ as the metric, we need some other definition for intelligence....

My personal definition of intelligence (which happens to fit closely with IQ - not EQ ).

The ability to perceive, adapt and change to your environment, quicker than others.

If that is an acceptable definition of intelligence...

where does that leave the ideologue in this scale?

Ideologues cannot adapt or change to the environment....Their fixed ideas are their environment


*** Hopefully many ideologues were butt hurt during the reading of this post***


I also have to put this in apparently, for something....

I nominate @Schattenjäger and @smidge-tv

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