[Steemit ↔ ChainBB] Bookmarklet for ChainBB

Bookmarklets are bookmarks which run JavaScript in your browser when you click on them. You should be careful when installing them because if you don't understand the JavaScript involved, you could compromise your computer or your secure keys! If you trust the source or you're a developer who can understand the code, you're good to go.

There are some bookmarklets at http://steemlets.com/ by @lantto which I've used and are safe, but I'm not sure if they are actively maintained.

For most of my time using Steemit, I've found two bookmarklets to be very helpful, @lantto's "Vote in X Minutes" script which I've updated a couple times as the Steemit interface has changed, and @bitcoiner's Steemit ↔ Steemd which quickly switches back and forth between Steemit and Steemd.

Since I want to support @jesta's work, I'll be using ChainBB now and then and wanted an easy way to view a post there from Steemit. Modifying the Steemit ↔ Steemd bookmarklet was simple enough:

javascript:(function(){location.assign("//" + ((location.hostname == "beta.chainbb.com") ? "steemit.com" : "beta.chainbb.com") + ((location.pathname.split("/")[1].indexOf("@") == -1) ? location.pathname : ("/" + location.pathname.split("/")[1])))})();

Just save that as a bookmark on your bookmark bar with the name [Steemit ↔ ChainBB] and every time you click it, you'll view the post you're on with ChainBB. :)

Shout out to @bitcoiner for doing all the work on the original bookmarklet I'm copying here. If you're not sure how to set it up, see the post I linked to above which includes a little animation explaining things.

Once you're on ChainBB you can click again to go back or you can use this nifty menu feature of ChainBB which demonstrates how the content lives in multiple sites on the internet:

That's the beauty of a decentralized blockchain social media platform. The interface is just a browser. The data lives everywhere. :)

If you haven't yet tried it out, go write a post on ChainBB. 15% of the posting rewards will help support the work being done there. To login, you'll need to use your posting key which is what you should be using anyway. If you're not sure what that is or how to find it, fire up your Google skills and search for some of the great posts on Steemit about understanding and securing your private keys.

Chain on!

Created with love using ChainBB

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, voluntaryist, and blockchain enthusiast. He wants to help create a world we all want to live in.

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