@Youarehope Fundraising to restore the kids playground of a school in Venezuela

Request for restore of the children's park of the Center for Integral Education Dr Leonardo Ruiz Pineda



Receive a greeting in Christ Jesus from the great family that makes up
our Institution, auguring them continue to reap successes in the work they carry
out around the world, which blesses everyone who receives it.

It should be noted that we received with great pleasure the visit of two young people in our Institution, which visited the facilities to observe the
deficiencies and needs that are currently suffering most of
educational establishments in our country, due to the strong economic crisis
that we are experiencing in recent years. With great pleasure these young people
They told us about the beautiful work that the YOUAREHOPE FOUNDATION is doing and very kindly want to work on improving the Children's Park
of our children, which is in a total deterioration; what it does
that our infants do not have a space for recreation, play and enjoyment
within the Preschool.

Our Preschool is a National Institution, which does not have
resources for the maintenance and optimal functioning of the same,
We provide care to a school population between the ages of 2
and 6 years, belonging to the lower middle class; with fathers and mothers who do not count with sufficient income to collaborate; besides that an education is offered free to all our boys and girls.

Therefore, the purpose of this letter is to appeal to you for
to help us in the restoration of the Children's Park space which is required for healthy, harmonious recreation and enjoy our little ones; achieving in them a face full of smiles and hope as part of the future of our country.

We know about your commiment and dedication to social work and your spirit of
collaboration. Therefore we pray our God, we can be taken into account
to achieve the restoration of said space. No more to reference, in
waiting for a positive response remains of you very attentively;

Teacher Solandy Alviarez

Why did we choose this school among other needs that exist in Venezuela?

It is an institution that in addition to providing education to low-income children also provides daily meals, such as breakfast and lunch, the director told us that she tries to move to feed these children in ages between 2 and 4 years.

Her idea was born when she saw that children came to study, and at eat time they did not even have a snack with butter to eat, she decided to ask the government for help every 15 days and at other times once a month, she receives food for cooking, when it does not have it, it asks for help from institutions or donations to fulfill the feeding of these children. Talking with her, she only asked us for the help of fixing the park, because she commented that God always provided it, we to saw this director with a love of her own for education and the concern of giving help to children in need decided to take her into account for our project of help.

Why do they ask to restore the park?

When seeing these photos you will understand:

Children do not really understand what is damaged or not, they run and play around the whole place and if the structure is in poor condition they can be hurt, and if parts are missing (as is the case) they will not be able to use it to the maximum

The game gives the child the possibility to grow physically, intellectually and emotionally, allows him to learn in an environment where fantasy and reality are intertwined, and release tensions.
The game is as important in the child's life as food, protection and love, says the graduate in education María de los Angeles Mejía de Kleemann.
The game is contained within the concept of recreation, which is also important for the human being because it facilitates the relationship with others, develops creativity and integrates the individual into community life.
Importance of play and recreation in children

What needs to be restored / conditioned?

The swings of the smallest children are completely damaged, nonexistent.

The ladder to climb the little house is also damaged, we plan to fix it with wood and make a web with rope like this that I will show you:

The handle and the "floor" of the "bridge" are totally damaged, the wood of the handles must be replaced and also make a new floor for the bridge.

We also want to make a concrete floor, because when it rains the earth becomes muddy and children get very dirty, which leads parents to spend more money on soaps to wash clothes (which, living in Venezuela, it being every time more difficult)

There are also these slides in very bad conditions, with the broken can, which could hurt the children who use the park.

We also have to clean all the grass that is growing in the area.

This is a wall that was hit by a car from the outside, which made a hole in the wall, they covered it but left it half finished, we can finish it!
It only takes a little cement and paint.

The school principal told us that the entrance had not been painted in more than 2 years.

Let's give life to the entrance again!

We plan to leave the steemit brand with an art mural of steemit

To make the mural I will have the help of an artist friend, who was responsible for the design and who will be painting the mural in the institution.

So, what do we need to carry out the restoration project?

Approximately 6 meters of iron chains for the swings.

Iron pipes to make the seats of the swings.

Metal can for the slides


Varnish for wood.

Light bulbs (there are some rooms without bulbs)


Cement and sand.

Painting for the wall of the entrance.

Paintings for the mural.

All this can be done with a total of 80 steem

All sbd raised in this publication will be used directly to restore the children's park

Each vote counts

If you have any steem to contribute, donations are welcome!

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