So You Want A Spot On My ~100,000 Steem Powered Voting Bot @ 100%? Post Proof The You Brought Someone New To Steemit!!!

This is my friend Sarah standing beside of some weird local gang artwork that was scrawled on the wall of the house that I rent in Detroit. Gangs are a serious problem. Not nearly as bad as they used to be in the 90s, but they still exist, but are seemingly more sophisticated, organized, and hidden these days.

As you may have already seen yesterday, I announced that I powered up 81,000 additional Steem to Steem Power, bringing my total Steem Power to roughly 100,000 Steem Power. That's a pretty heavy hand when it gets to voting!!! I don't want to make the rich, richer, I want to try to help some of the huddled masses break the huddle and inspire them to get out into their communities to bring more people to the platform (Steemit).

So instead of free handouts, I decided to put this to actual beneficial-to-everyone USE! How I plan to do that is by offering up a spot on my voting bot that will vote your posts @100% at any interval you specify, such as 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and so on minutes after you post. I will keep you on my vote bot for at least a month. Here are the conditions that must be met to get the spot on the bot:

  1. You must bring a NEW USER from YOUR COMMUNITY to the Steemit platform. Their account must be created today or later. Think family, friends, people you know need a revenue stream, etc.
  2. You must explain to, and coach them on how to use Steem(it).
  3. You must post PROOF that YOU brought this user to the platform and that they are going to use it. Think taking a picture TOGETHER holding a piece of paper stating that @randomsteemuser brought @otherrandomsteemuser here.
  4. The user you bring on board has to at least make an introductory ( #introduceyourself ) post and make at least 3 comments on either their own posts or someone else's.

That's all there is to it! Organic growth!!!

So what are you waiting for? Re-steem this post and get to work!

Take care of ya'selves and one another!


Unfortunately, some of the contest winners have been absolutely abusing their privilege of being on the vote bot by posting seemingly random stuff and not even saying anything about it. They're simply linking to other people's content and adding nothing of value, not even saying a word about it. This is clearly just them posting nonsensical material knowing that my bot will vote on each and everything they post. This is NOT something that I am going to let happen. Almost 40 percent of my voting power was wasted over the course of 2 days on this non-sense, over 40% of my voting power wasted on one user over 2 days. That's a LOT of rewards that should have been spread more to other people who are actually adding something of value, content producers and writers. In my eyes, this is abuse and cheating. I will be removing the vast majority of the votes for that user due to it harming my mission, which is to help raise up some newer people or people without much Steem/Steem Power. I will go back over their posts and upvote those that I think they actually tried on. So from here on out, please do not abuse your privilege, be respectful of the rewards pool and my voting bot. I do not care if you post several times a day as long as it is something from YOU, or something of substance. Do not be greedy, folks. That's now what this is all about!!!

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