Pre-DLive Mother’s Day / Sing with Mellissa 2018 #2 一起來抱抱媽媽唱唱歌 I Only Want You Be Healthy I 我只在乎妳 I MAMA i Love You


Hello everyone on Steemit ! Wish you all the best and have a wonderful Friday ~~ =)
Today i want to share one of my performance this week and which make me feel love in the air.

For Me everyday is Mother's days, i wish and i pray her with a good health and happy all the time in every single day.
But sometime is hard to tell your lovely Mummy How much you love her. She always question you. Why not calling Why not texting etc....As you all known my career path is not very simple and always full of challenge, but i always remember what my mother said Family is here, we always be after you. Family always stand by to support and help :( ...............
So all my friends please don't forget this coming Sunday come back home and give your mum a big big hug.
Tell her how much how Big you love her because Mother likes this way. Must need tell her face to face hahahaha =)
The song i sing today is a Chinese song name ' I Only Care Of You ' as a present for all the mother in here !!! Please Enjoy~
~ Go DLive Go~

今個星期日是我們母親的大節日 記得記得回家咀咀媽咪啦~~~
送一首歌給大家的媽咪 ~~ 我只在乎妳 - 去片=)

Thanks for the love in the air
Hope you all like my sharing today ! I'll so happy if you u guys can upvote my post and follow me! @mellissaying
Please feel free to comment and asking me any question ! Your Comment is the most important thing to me :)
see you all very soon ! XOXO

如果喜歡的話請大家關注我 @mellissaying !!!

My video is at DLive

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