Memory with my lover ^-^ 缘不知所起,身不由己 心不知所动,微波涟漪 情不知所起 一往而深

Hello, everyone, this is Michelle from Nanjing, China. Inspired by my friends @Hannahwu, @veronicazhu and @sunnyjolly who are sharing their stories in Steemit community, I can't wait leaving MY cherish STORIES here after browsing through steemit 2 days. IMG_1659 - 副本.JPG

As Chinese Valentine's Day is around the corner, I'd like to share something with my husband.Romantic always happened in trip, Right?

When we stepped out the airport from Taoyuan Airport, lead by local tourist guide and move forward to Taipei and check the important 101 building, like Zifeng Buildling in Nanjing. I have to say Taipei like another Nanjing as the city is surrounded by mountains, which make the city muggy, not my favor.

The most places I like are Peace Island Waterfront Park(和平岛海滨公园), Alishan(阿里山),Kenting(垦丁) and Longtian(龙田).Pls follow me:

  1. Peace Island Waterfront Park(和平岛海滨公园)
    As a girl who grow up in Jiangsu, I never see such amazing scene, I promise I will go there again~
    Love the feeling stand there hand in hand with my husband and enjoy the inner peace :-)

Due to the impact of the northeast monsoon and the erosion of the waves, the natural landscape of the island is peculiar to the island, thus creating a lot of strange and unique rocks of the landscape.



Most people in mainland know this place from our school books.We are not allowed to enter into the mountain as summer weather is dangerous for people. If you want to enter into Alishan, I recommend do there in March.

Btw, people there are kindness and enthusiasm. If you have any issue with the place, local people are glad to answer you.
Although we can't try the train in Alisan, we walk around and took some photos at the bottom of Alisan.

We choose a special place and have lover kisses signal behind us( 拍照的地方是“地久"的吊桥,马路边的另一端是 “天长”,谁能补个天长给我啊~~捂脸)


I love this place very much. if you have chance to go there, you should try these 3 things:
Go to Kenting Park Tropical Scenic Area(垦丁公园热带风景区) to see Cat nose (猫鼻头), a rock shape like a cat's nose, on my right hand, is it alike a cat nose? I doubt...

Another 2 things we don't have time to try are: diving and Ride a locomotive on the island( 潜水和机车环岛行). Really romantic for lovers and couples.


Longtian is not famous as Kenting, but still a fabulous place. Smoo(my husband) and I rent bikes to travel around and the mountain surrounded by cloud is amazing, like another Mount Fuji. And tourist guide told us some elder Japaneses still live here as the wonderful atmosphere.

Can you find the pics were shooted when stoop and Flip the phone?
(我先生背对着我,然后低头,用手机拍的这张照片哦~ 和正面拍的一样,哈哈)

Speaking of food, I think mainland food is better than taiwan. But food is amazing, especially pineapple and Sakya(释迦,长得真像释迦的头啊~ )

People's feeling are collected strongly from every details in life. Wish each couple is happy and sweet everyday.



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