Visit The Apalet Coffee Shop


Steemian friends.

How are you today, I hope everything is fine without any problems. In this post I will tell you about my activities hanging out at the Apalet coffee shop, which is in the Bungkaih market. Sanger, Arabica and Robusta coffee are also available here. But this morning I chose to just drink filter coffee.




I like hanging out at the Apalet coffee shop, because the coffee blend made by Apalet is very delicious, suitable for the taste buds of all coffee lovers. Then, apart from the delicious taste of coffee, the Apalet coffee shop also provides many types of cakes, from wet cakes to pastries. Such as gleung cake, bakwan cake, cassava dugok cake, and also other cakes with delicious taste.


I really like eating cassava dugok cake, because it goes well with coffee drinks. Dugok cake also makes you full, and can stave off hunger for up to 3 hours. However, if we don't like dugok cake, there are also other alternative cakes that we can try, for example bakwan cake.


This bakwan cake also has a lot of fans, just look at the picture above, there are only two bakwan cakes left in the box, they are so popular with buyers. Oh yes, to the right of the Apalet coffee shop there is the "Zahira Kids" clothing shop, which sells various types of clothes. From here I can see directly the atmosphere in front of the clothing shop.


A buyer was seen sitting on the wall, the buyer was waiting for his friend who had not finished shopping in the shop. This is the sensation I can get when drinking coffee at the Apalet coffee shop. We can also watch programs on television while drinking coffee.


Well, in this coffee shop the newspaper "Serambi Indonesia" is also available, because in this coffee shop there are still many visitors who like to read newspapers to find out about world developments from within and outside the country. After hanging out here for 2 hours, I felt satisfied, then I left the coffee shop to continue my other activities.

Greetings always compact.

By @midiagam

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