I get where you're coming from. (상대방을 이해한다.)

I said, "I get where you are coming from."

I got this response, "Do you want to know what country I am from?"
This English idiom is a statement not a question. It is similar to "I understand you" or "I know where you are coming from." "I get where you are coming from" has nothing to do with your location or hometown. It has everything to do with understanding another person's point of view.


Oh, the lemmings… they don’t know where they came from or where they are going. Therefore they have no understanding. This is tragedy of many human beings.

Once more if you read these words:

I know where you are coming from.

I get where you are coming from.

I see where you are coming from.

It's not about where you live or your hometown. It just means that I understand you.

Do you get where I'm coming from?


Painty the Pirate

Painty the pirate launches his vessel into the sea.
Hoist your sail when winds are fair.
Patrick mans the wheel.
SpongeBob swabs the deck.
Jughead scuttles the jib.

To get understanding
Take away three misunderstandings
Confucius say. 오해 (誤解) - 3 = 이해 (理解)

Message sent but not received
Perception left in isles of deception.
Starboard bound straight ahead till morn’.

Darkness shadows the sea at night.
Painty the Pirate pierces into the darkness.
SpongeBob fast asleep and Jughead too long at the jug.

A voice calls out from the shadows.
Clear out of these waters if you know what is best.
Painty replies, “I can’t hear you.”

A voice calls out,
“Change course or lose your ship.”
Painty keeps sailing through.

Jughead awakes in surprise.
The Giant Krabby Patty climbs on board.
The pirate shouts,
“Now I get where you’re coming from.”


Verse of the Day/ Mark 1:17

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."

Mineopoly Quote:

"If I'm not getting any upvotes than at least I should like my own post."

SpongeBob Pic Source
Lemmings Pic Source
Woodstock Pic Source


QTTA (Question to think about)

Where are you from?

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