How I created my own diet and fitness system

You’re tired of looking in the mirror and not seeing what you want. Double Chin. Flabby mid-section, your back hurts all the time. I know exactly how you feel. It’s frustrating and depressing, and nothing you do ever seems to work!
It’s because you’re not using SCIENCE to get the body you want!
(I know… I’m a science nerd, with a PhD in Chemical Engineering. We’ll get to that later. But, this is no joke! There’s a science to burning fat and building muscle, and people aren’t doing it right!)

Let me explain…

when I was 40 years old, an age when most of us have probably let ourselves go and are wondering WTF happened our bodies.

What you see in that picture was created 100% naturally. No crazy supplements or pills. I did it using the simple scientific system, I’m about to teach you…

Keep reading…
No, I’m not a fitness model, or a bodybuilder, or a professional athlete or anything like that. As I mentioned above, I’m actually a bit of a geek! I have a PhD in chemical engineering, and used to teach at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology in England. Over the years, I’ve published countless scientific papers, and contributed to some textbooks and even a chemical technology encyclopedia.

But despite that nerdy background, I did manage to develop an extraordinary system that has changed people’s lives, and I’m going to share this with you today.


I didn’t always look the way I do in that photo above!

I was the classic example of a guy who was once active and athletic, but who had “settled down,” got married, had a family and slowly let himself go.

In short, if you’d looked up the definition of “Dad Bod” in the dictionary, you’d have seen a picture of me!

I’m not going to lie… it wasn’t pretty.

Take a look at what I mean…

By the time I reached my mid-30s, I’d ended up weighing 220 pounds with a big bloated gut. I was embarrassed to take my clothes off in front of other people. I had a puffy, swollen face, awful hair, and felt tired and drained all the time. I was so stiff that even touching my toes was difficult and my lower back would seize up in agony when I got out of bed or stood up.

When I created this system, I wasn’t even thinking of sharing it. I did it for myself, because I wanted a serious transformation I was sick of being just another out-of-shape parent with no control over my life. I was sick of being invisible too, and of being old before my time.

Basically, I wanted to turn the clock back to when I was 18…

But nothing I tried was working…
Expensive gym memberships were a waste, more expensive personal trainers were an even bigger waste, and none of these modern fads ever did any good. To tell you the truth, the only thing getting any lighter was my wallet.

Most of the exercises that today’s “experts” are selling are useless for burning fat and building lean muscle. It’s not just the exercises that are wrong; the vast majority of exercise routines have fatal flaws too.

If you don’t believe me, just think of how many people you see in the gym working their butts off on their cardio machines, or their stability balls or their weight training, but they look exactly the same week after week, month after month and year after year.

I was certainly one of them, and chances are you are too!!

It’s obvious: we have all been lied to and fed a load of BS by “experts” who are mostly out of shape themselves! And I’m not saying that just to convince you that my methods are best… It’s just a fact. Far too many of the trainers and fitness gurus out there are either:

Only trying to sell you something like pills or expensive training packages.

Completely clueless about the real science of losing weight and keeping it off.
Either way you/we lose… and it doesn’t take a Rocket Scientist to see this. Just take a walk down the street and look around… most people are out of shape and whatever they’re doing right now… obviously isn’t working.

Well, I happen to be a scientist – a proper one – and I was tired of all these lies and gimmicky programs, so I decided to do something about it.


So, I went back to basics, trying to understand what it was that that had kept me in great shape as a young man, and how to recapture that again in mid-life. I didn’t stop there though; I added all my scientific and chemistry knowledge to the mix too. And I read everything I could find – from the way ancient athletes used to train to the latest advances in sports and nutrition science.

After months of research, I figured out the exercises and techniques that are (and always have been) some of the most powerful ways to melt away fat and pack on muscle in record time.

Whole body workouts: Many of the exercises are designed to use as many muscles as possible. More muscle use = more energy burn = more fat burn.

High cardio levels: These exercises get your metabolism working and your heart pumping as your body rips away the fat and turns it into energy.

Muscle building in proportion: These exercises put your muscles under resistance. This means a much more toned physique, and also means that you can pack on muscle strategically for that rock-hard, athletic look.

Hormones: The whole-body exercises and the nature in which they are carried out release fat-burning hormones and ramp up your metabolism to strip away unwanted flab. And special breathing, stretching and relaxation exercises help avoid burning out of these hormones.


But choosing the best exercises was only part of the story. I also had to figure out the best way to put them together into a system…

Anybody can show you how to do individual exercises like weights, cardio, stretching, and so on. The real secret is your training system. The way you structure your workouts, the frequency of training, what to do on each day, how many sets and repetitions to choose… that’s the real formula!

Taking the lead from the famous scientists of the past, I experimented constantly… on myself! All the junk that didn’t work was ruthlessly pared away and discarded, and I kept only what was useful. All of this was distilled to create a system keeps the body in its highest fat-burning and body-sculpting mode, without getting drained or overtrained.


I’m quite happy with the results.

Thanks to my science-based system, I went:
From a 220-pound lump down to a lean, toned 175 pounds…

From flabby and tired to sleek and full of energy…

And with the same kind of agility and flexibility I had as a teenager.

Until next time

Follow @moneyideas

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