The Spurious Notion in Society That Having a Paid Job Means You Are 'Doing Something with Your Life'


It doesn't matter what you do as a job, the absence of a job in many cases according to traditional old-world thinking is equal to you 'doing nothing with your life.'

If you have no money you die. Right? Well to most that live in society, yes, right. But one thing I've learned is that money does not necessarily mean survival. Money guarantees one thing for me, freedom to isolate myself from other people. When I don't have money I am forced to speak with other people. As an introvert, living on the street has been both a means by which to self-flagelate and also a panacea.


If you plant daisies on the side of the road, you are an idiot. According to society at least. You've no purpose, you're not doing anything with your life. Then one day, a magic thing happens, someone starts to give you money on a regular basis and says, I want you to plant daisies next to every road in this city every day and take care of them. Before you were doing it for free and you were a 'free-loader' completely dependent on the charity of other people to eat while you live your passion of planting and maintaining daisies on the side of the road.

Now a magic man (or woman) with money and a magic wand appears and asks you to do the same thing in exchange for money.


You now have 'a job'.

You can now go to bars and clubs and eat and drink and talk to people and when you get asked the three big questions by status searching conditioning within every 'working class person' - Where do you live? What school did you go to? What do you do? - You can at least now answer to the third question that you have a job and that you are indeed a 'gardener'. (Say it with a pompous English swagger in your tone).

Now if you get paid well or not that's another thing. Say you get paid five euros an hour by Joe Bloggs from the local supermarket, you've got a job for sure, so you can participate in 'society' but you can't do much with your time. By the time your passion has been finished (in three or four years you get sick of planting daisies) your parents and the world around you pressure you into keeping the job you've got because if you lose it, in a failing economy and no 'skills' on paper, you may not get another one and you don't want to go back to simply being a begging daisy planter free-loader (well your passion changed so maybe you begin knitting crochet rugs). So you continue until you are 90 at which you started when you were 23 which means for 63 years you have been doing something you no longer enjoy and after children and a wife and a life of alchohol abuse you look back at your life at 91 and close the door on your life with a sigh wondering 'what the hell was all that about?'


In another prospective scenario, you are a 'good businessman' and you approach Jimmy Barnes in his private home and convince him that his city needs daisies to become happier on a whole and that he should pay you 200,000 euros per annum for this very important service. You now have money to do as you please, after a year you start paying another 'free-loader' to do the work for you at 5 euros an hour and you stop living your passion prematurely by 3 years because you become convinced by other high-brow existence people in the fancy bars and places you go that you should 'do something more adventurous with your life'. 'The skies the limit' they say. So you listen. You are considered a 'good businessperson' for having ripped off Jimmy Barnes but he's happy because he's convinced (by your wonderful majesty) that he's receiving a product of value and that he is benefiting the city he is living in by paying you this exhorbitant amount to do a menial job which you have now re-labeled from 'gardener' to 'Chief Community Rapport via Natural Means Consultant Extrordinaire'.


All of this is bullshit.

Just do what you want in life and don't look back. If money is required to do what you want, you need to readjust your priorities. This system is collapsing. It won't be here forever. What do you want to do with life?

On paper, I'm a fucking nothing.

On the street, I'm seen sometimes as a rock-star and sometimes as a parasite.

The truth is, I'm a jack of all trades, master of none.

I've been through religions, cults, political parties, volunteering campaigns, activism, I've traveled the world, I've made a million friends, I've lived a shit load of life with basically no money - I'm 32.

If I am to approach someone for a 'job'. I can give them only my life experience.

If this means nothing to them. I don't want to work there. In my life, in my mind - I have value and what I 'have been doing' with my life has value.

In failing economies the pressure is on to keep your shitty jobs and keep working them until you are dead.

The society is designed for us to be against each other constantly, trying to make money off each other, trying to save up privately for our dream home or our cream porche or our Hermes handbag.

If we all work together and give each other what we need and take individual responsibility of our existence. None of this constant fight of survival in society is necessary. There are community models that collapse a capitalist economy model. We don't need to be living like this.

Throw away your mobile phones and turn off your laptops. Re-adjust your priorities to passions that are solely dependent on the material world outside of technology. Yes, this can include music, art, crafts of any form, gardening, building, traveling, writing - anything! Your life is your experience, you've got one of them. Use it well.

As humans our job is experience. To gain and accumulate experiences. That's the sole purpose of being in a body. Let's live this purpose and follow the path that best caters to these dreams.

Wake up and smell the roses.


I hope you enjoyed my story.

In love,



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