
I was a 19 year old 300 level student of Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba, eager to explore. A roommate rushed in to announce a show coming up at UNAD (Ado-Ekiti) that night; Tuface Idibia would be performing! All 3 of us immediately decided to go without telling anyone; we didn't want the information to get to my Dad who worked on campus. After a lot of "undercover" moves, we left unnoticed. At the park, the bus didn't fill up and take off until 5.30pm but we didn't care since the show was starting at 10pm and it was a two hour journey. We had our change of clothes in our handbags and we were so excited.


We got to Ado around 8pm and as we neared the drop off point, we heard a loud bang; one of the bus's tyres burst! The driver lost control of the bus and we ended up in a ditch. The three of us rushed out of the bus through a broken window and we got out trembling like leaves from fear and adrenaline. All three of us appeared uninjured, but several other passengers were not so lucky; screaming and weeping filled the air!


A crowd had gathered and arrangements were made for victims' evacuation to the hospital. We refused the offer and boarded another cab to take us to the campus. As we alighted about 10 minutes later, I became aware of a stinging pain in my leg and then noticed my right foot was wet and bloody. I could barely walk upright! We moved close to the lights and realized my black jeans had a tear! We hadn't noticed it earlier because it was dark and adrenaline must have kept me from feeling the pain! I had a nasty deep cut on my leg that I had no idea when it happened! We had to find our way back to town and then to a hospital where my leg got stitched and treated. I was the only one hurt but none of us could attend the show that night. We had wasted precious time and risked our lives for nothing!

We returned to Akungba the next morning and my leg hurt like hell for days! I walked with a limp for about a month and still have the scar to show for it till date. The major learning points for me were; (a)that shock and adrenaline can successfully block out feelings of pain (temporarily), (b)that every car accident victim should be taken to a hospital and checked thoroughly for injuries both internal and external regardless of how ok they look, (c) to never travel at night if not necessary.

Length - 350 Words

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