What have I done to set a discipline in my daily Meditation practice

Today I want to share with you all how I developed my Meditation Practice

I learned to Meditate only a few years ago. Yes I had to learn because it never happened effortlessly for me like it happens to many. Meditation has never been my childhood practice or anything that I was ever even inculcated into. But as I started realizing the value of this practice I wanted to make it a part of my life.

It was not easy in the beginning, not only the external disturbances but also the internal ones were to be dealt with. When I started I would see that sitting even for 5 minutes was a challenge and then there is this whole army who had captured my brain and bombarding from all sides with all the possible thoughts that would emerge out only when I would sit to meditate. And externally it would be difficult to control, cause if you have a small house there is always someone or the other in the space and there is never really your own space.

In the beginning of the practice if I would meditate for 1 day then after that I would ease off for the next couple of days feeling lazy. I could see that my complete heart was not into the practice and because of so many disturbances I would easily get distracted and want to end. But at the same time after every few days I would get a strong urge to meditate. I guess it was a strong calling of my soul and it needed it. I thought of bringing in some discipline to my practice then.


Joining Meditation Groups
To begin with I knew that me alone was too easily distracted so I decided to join some Meditation groups. I found out near my area there were lot of Meditation centers, so I picked up a couple of them to see how different they would be. I joined Brahma Kumaris then which was very near to my home. Over there they were doing the one point of light meditation. I started enjoying this practice and could feel myself getting better in the practice. I could feel this form of Meditation was working well for me. Almost for a year I continued with them and along the way there was lots that I could also learn from them. Simultaneously I joined another groups also which I would do once or twice a week. One of them was Guided meditations and the other was Chanting. I was also getting connected to the Chanting Meditation and realized my focus was much better there. After trying all of these and few others as well for almost 3 years, then I felt I now want to go solely and did not feel that I need any more assistance and support for my practice. Till this time Meditation had become a daily routine for me, I had started enjoying and would not want to miss it for a day also even if it would be just for 5 minutes.

Forming small Meditation groups with Like minded people
The next action that automatically happened was I was meeting lot of like minded people and over the weekends we started organizing small group meditation sessions. This was really fun, as we would set up the space with high energies using essential oils, lighting up candles, having flower decorations. This would just kick us up highly in our senses.


Creating my own Sacred Space
The group meditations were over the weekend. So during the week at home I wanted to ensure that I am able to do my practice as effectively that I would do in groups. So I created a small corner for myself in my bedroom where I could daily spend my time peacefully. I would request my family to not disturb me for those few minutes and let me be alone as much as possible for that hour. As always they were very supportive and so I had my own divine space created for the practice, where I also had my Crystals around.

When we shifted to Muscat, I got luckier to then have a complete room for myself for all my practices. Because till then it was just not the Meditation practice but I had also started working on Healing and doing Readings so I had people coming on and off. So having a proper set up was then required.

Setting one Fix time for the Practice
This is something that lapses at times and majorly it happens over the weekend since we are going out most of the weekends. But during the week days the routine is followed and I feel that it brings in a lot of discipline within me.

So this is my journey in building up my practices, along the way there were lot of set backs but I could feel it all passing out smoothly. There is something that motivates each one of us in our practice and we all will have different paths to it.
Find what motivates you and use that as often as you can to support your practice.

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My other blogs of Interest

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Sublime Sunday; A Journey in the Clouds
Vaccinations given in Schools; Do Parents have a choice?
Full Moon Fiesta with my Crystals

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