Draw on Blockchain : Joy Of Fish 魚之樂

After the last android phone drawing post, I fall in love with drawing on phone for time killing on train xD I rush to stationary shop days ago and bought a stylus with disk-shape on the tip. Not very familiar with it, still need many unnecessary undo. It doesn't need draft or any outline, I just paint with feeling like doing Mandala healing draw x) (So if there is any analysis by drawing, this is my mental status @@) I output it to computer and have quick touch to test for a different style too.

上次玩過電話電繪後,跑去買了一支簡單的電容筆。電車上不是上這邊逛就是在畫簡單的圖畫。基本上只是隨性而塗,就像用曼陀羅放鬆精神之類的藝術治療。完全不靠起稿。(所以有甚麼分析的話,這就是我的精神潛意識狀態?) 回家存到電腦裡,試了一下其他的風格,學習學習中。

Testing on other style

draw by Photoshop

3 columns
2 columns
1 column