The Alien Neighbour :: Flash Short Story

The Alien neighbour.jpg

“You’re right. There is something fishy about him!” Robert opened the curtains just a little bit for him to be able to look outside. Last thing he wanted was for his neighbour to notice him. But his curiosity got the better of him.

“He’s in the kitchen now, doing the dishes. No, wait. I never noticed it until you pointed it out! He’s probably just pretending to do the dishes. So clever! You remember when he was here last Christmas? Didn’t even touch the punch.”

Robert kept peering through the small opening, careful not to touch the curtains. That was mistake number one people made on stake outs. Or so he saw on the Discovery Channel once.

“He is moving his arms pretty rapidly. What is he doing? You think perhaps he is signalling to the mothership?”

The door opened and his wife came in, holding a tray with a bowl of soup which she put in front of him.

“Everything alright dear?” She quickly touched his forehead with the back of her hand. “Talking to the fever again?”


This story was written for the #twentyfourhourshortstory challenge held by @mctiller (read all about it here). This story came to me quite naturally, as I'm lying in bed with a fever. I hope you enjoyed reading it. I nominate @anikekirsten and @negativer to write some more @comedyopenmic funny hort flash fiction stories. We need more of those.


Here an overview of more fiction/short stories and poetry by @nobyeni.

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