In the modern era, everything is made of plastic, steel or glass. We slowly replaced wood and we don't use it even for heating anymore.
There are still some people left who like to work with wood, and these people have become true artists.
One of them was from the neighboring province of Saskatchewan. He took an 8-hour drive to put his work on display and on sale in the hall at K-Days festival in Edmonton.
50 bucks is a good price for the grizzly bear.
Stand with some nice small home decorations.
Imagine your steemit name carved into the chair.
Cute little tree-unit birdhouse.
Cartoon portraits.
This table with four chairs was sold.
2000 CAD was the price tag.
Look at the colors of the wood.
I took the shot of his chandelier in the mining office in the old gold mine on K-days.
We have a rainy day at 16 degrees Celsius but I don't care too much, because in just a couple of days and I'm leaving.
Don't waste your Saturday, my friends.