Teaching As A Career | Analysis of the Book : “Teachers, Schools, and Society”


         Behind the desk, every student sits and observes every teacher and how they address the lesson. They look at one figure inside the class within their vision and that make the view limited in their eyes. But let switch the roles and try to see how the teacher look at their student in that big vision. Looking to a speaker is different than observing the reader. Chapter one in the book “Teachers, Schools, and Society” by David Miller Sadker and Karen R. Zittleman, discuss how teacher scenery is different from that of student and it guides the reader to find the positive and negative points for a teacher to encounter in his career; it will help reader to discover whether they should complete aiming for to become a teacher.

         The goal for every reader is to find and choose the best career that will find happiness and bring the joy while practicing it. That’s what makes the chapter more comfortable to read in; it didn’t force the material on the reader but instead, it gives suggestions and real life examples about how being a teacher would look like. “You be the Judge” is whole examples for a student to know how being a teacher could have a negative or positive impact on their lives, and it’s a good way to them clarify their position whether to continue with being a teacher as a career meant to them or not convinced by. Also, there was a survey in the chapter that shows how many teachers get paid yearly in different states; it’s a good side to the students to know that being a teacher could provide a decent life for them as a job.

         Teachers need to have a bunch of specification in orders to be called a successor. Preparing a teacher to this career and guiding them to be effective to his class is an important step that could impact the whole future of both teachers and learner. That idea of preparation considers as an informative process and not implicit, and it’s a good topic that's been clarified in that chapter. Moreover, another idea that been addressed at the end of the chapter is how the student could improve his skills and concepts of the learning process before graduation, and that been shown with listing several steps that the student should put into consideration in order to become successful and creative. It does not only help the learner himself in the long run but also give a chance to make his future classes more creative and cooperative at the time. For instance, some of the steps say that the teacher should study their courses that the handle carefully and planned for them ahead to make sure it’s clear to him and would be to students at the time. Also, they should have a good impression during their learning process and to keep on building it on. That’s how a student could have some ideas to consider and to begin with if they are struggling with what to start with or improve while they are still learning about their career.

         Students should figure out if the teaching career is the one that meant to them and they will enjoy practicing end for most of their life. That chapter did a good job in discussing some topic that will help the student take their decision regarding this career and if they willing to take that challenge and start filling and building their knowledge. It does not only help the student to become successful teachers but also prepare them to make a more bright future for the generation they will be willing to teach, and to be creative with their work and thoughts. So, after knowing and considering what a teacher need to handle and think of, the student will start to find their own way to teach and make their job process different from other teachers they encounter before. 

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