Just Swear And Blaspheme Already, For The Love Of Fucking Christ - Comedy Open Mic Round 28

Crap, darn, frick, frig, jeepers creepers, goldangit, jeez

So, I know and like a lot of religious people. Doesn't make me a bad person. One of the things I see a lot is that most of them swear like that.

As if it makes them a better person in the eyes of their lord.

Alright, now let's say that the bible is correct, God does exist, and he is all powerful and all knowing, just like you all think he is. Do you think you're fooling him by saying "gosh darn it"?

No God damn way. He knows exactly what you mean.

How about jeepers creepers or jeez?

Nope, Jesus knows that you mean him, and worse yet, so does his dad. His dad gets pissed off real easy too. Don't think that having a child has chilled that angry, old man out. He may have toned it down a bit for the New Testament, but believe you me, he's still got a mean streak, and it gets worse when he's drinking.


Yes, God and Jesus both know you are taking their names in vain, and they are even angrier with you for trying to fool them.

Think of it like high school; a bully is talking to you and you are telling them how much you like them and how cool they are, but really you think they are an asshole.

You know what happens next? Oh yeah, you do.

You go to a party, drink half a bottle of rye, and start talking about how you'd kick the living piss out of that big bitch. You might even add in that you already did hang a licking on them a few years back, and they are still scared of you.

Oh yeah, you're the big man/woman on campus now, with everyone crowding around asking for your autograph and shit, and that's when it hits you. A massive fist, followed by several more, and as you start getting closer to the ground, the feet begin their frenzied Riverdance all over your head, torso and occasionally your tender bits.

This is exactly what is going to happen to you when God and his posse get a hold of you, except it will be the Devil laying the beating on your ass.

There is a silver lining

Luckily for me, I don't believe in God, so I'm safe and free to live my life without fear of persecution from a higher power. I can blaspheme all day long if I want to, and I sometimes do.

Jesus H Christ, I hope I'm right about the God not existing thing or it's gonna be a hot old afterlife for this hombre. Just in case I am incorrect in my assumption, I'd like to get all of the Christians to pray for me and my soul. Don't get me wrong, I still want to end up in Hell, but I'd like to get a cushier job and maybe some perks, like A/C or maybe a sweet log cabin by a lake for my holidays.

As for the swearing part, you should just swear. Why would you want to "diet cuss"? The words mean the exact same thing.

Well, except for "frig". I have yet to hear someone say "I took her home and frigged the crap out of her.". It just sounds wrong.

I'm not saying that nobody says it, I just haven't heard it, and I've met a lot of people that take women home.

Why is "shit" any different than "crap"?

It's not, and never will be. They can both mean feces, trouble, or bad. Why is shit wrong to say around some people then? I don't know either, but it is. Just ask my old Sunday School teacher.

Also, should we be checking our language when we are around the gentle people?

I'm guilty of it but with me, it's a respect thing. If I know that someone doesn't swear, I try not to swear around them.

I just don't like making people feel uncomfortable. I would, however, like to raise everyone else's comfort level up to mine, just so I can be myself around them. I have a foul mouth, and no matter how I try to word things, they always mean the same thing in the end. What's the point of mincing words, when you can say it all with a really good cuss? Another thing I like to do is to emphasize the curse words when I use them. I think it makes me funnier and scarier.

I think we all can agree that I could stand to be both.

It was either strong cursing or wearing this. I think I made the right choice.

In conclusion, my brothers and sisters: Go forth on your journey of enlightenment, and attend any church on Sunday. While you are there, make sure to say in a moderately loud voice,"I'm not taking any more of your God damn bullshit, Jesus, so you can go to Hell.", and feel a great weight lift off of your shoulders.

I'm just kidding. If you are in church, you should just whisper that shit. It's quite rude to speak out of turn there. When you are done at church, head over to an AA meeting and enjoy some cookies and grape drink. Oh, and say hi to Abe for me. I miss that drunken, old prick.

P.S. @profanereviews is not responsible for any smitings (or is it smotings?), beatings or rapes by religious zealots, or any other harm that may befall you in the event that somebody can't take a fucking joke.


All images from pixabay.com, except for the mangerie one which you can find here

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