The Matrix of Consumptions and our Relationhips

Allow Eye present You some Widom of the Matrix,like Morpheous to Neo. The Matrix, this World is a Planet that got enslaved and consumed by Reptilian Consciousness of consuming Power of others for accumulation of our own Power. Matrix that consumes Power from Beings in the Matrix through Karma and Attachments. Matrix that takes Your Power away in Illusion. Reptilian Consciousness is all about not standing in our own Power and depending on Power of others, we depend on others for our own Love, Fulfilment Happiness and Power. It is Consciousness of seeking Love outside of Yourself, depending on another Being and their Heart to get Love and Power that is within You, It is Consciousness of depending on Power of another for being Empowered Your Self. Depending on others, Conditions, Attachments. Karma. Consciousness of not standing in Your Power and Power of another must fulfill You. Indeed Consciousness of consuming another as a Battery so they are to give us Power we search for. It is Consciousness of Attachments to others and expectations from others, Consciousness of Conditions. If others fail our expectations, we say, that others Fail us, but in Reality, We fail ourselves only, for We expected, that another Beng is to Fulfil us so We can be Happy Ourselves. Consciousness of depending on another for Your own Happiness. It is Consciousness of not feeling alive without another Being, feeling that one cannot Live without another. Consciousness that Happiness of others is to Sustain our Happiness. Consciousness of seeking Power outside of You. It is Consciousness of Expectations. Everyone expect something from else in this World just from their Self not and as expectations are not met, we are victims and we say that others Failed us. But We in Reality have Failed ourselves for We have given our own Power in the Hands of another and We depend on the Power of another for our own Power. We are broken when our Power is taken away and We realize we got no Love and Power from another. Consciousness of Beings disconnected form their own Power at the Source that I AM in their Heart and depending on Power of One another, although all Parties are disconnected from their own Power that I AM, Love in their Heart. Consciousness of Attachments to others on which We depend, cannot let go and suffer, for as Buddha has said, Attachments are Root Cause of Pain and because Beings are disconnected from their Power, Powerless standing outside of their Power, depending on Power of One another, that they do not get fulfilled, everyone Fails everyone and all are Victims of everybody in this Matrix, where taking the Power away from others is the Law of Life in 3rd Dimension. Reptilian Consciousness is actually every Form of depending and Expecting that Power of others and their Love is to Fulfill us, everything else but unconditional Love and Respect of Vibrations of others that brings Peace to the World, and in this Way all Beings in such World consumed by such Consciousness Consume Eachothers Energy and feel Violated all the Time. For they are not standing in their own Power, they have given their Power away and Now demand and expect Power of others is to make them Happy and Fulfilled. Beings in such State of Consciousness have given their own Power away to another and depend on Power of another for their own Life. But for the Power is within us and they seek outside of themselves, they suffer and are actually almost empty batteries and they consume each other until they are drained. After they blame each other for not making each other Happy. They blame each other for the Cage they Created and trapped themselves in, for Kingdom was always within. They are victims of their own expectations and they failed themselves, expectations, that are the effect of their attachments and searching Power and Love outside of themselves. In this Way on al Levels of this World, Beings are just taking Power from each other, but they have no Power themselves. For they are the Power, Love and Happiness they seek in another Themselves. Eye give You My Word.

So You See, Reptilian Consciousness runs deep and Kingdom of God is within us and not outside of us. It starts with us. We can only become that Happiness and Fulfillment as We remember our Power of Love that We are. We are not even aware, but small things, We just take for Granted within our Kingdom and are holding on too are the Cause of all Terrible Things in the World. Every War in the World rages just because of Expectations from others and taking Power of others. Matrix runs on taking Power from another on al Levels and as We control and expect from each other, we empower same Energy that creates al injustice in the World that takes Power away from everyone. All Wars and Miseries in the World, all the Injustice is just the Result of that. Manifestations of our Attachments and Expectation form the Kingdom within, manifestations of us taking Power away from one another. Many Times we want Peace in the World and Heaven on Earth, yet still We keep the blind Eye for Expectations, taking Power from another Being, depending on their Love to feel Fulfilled and Empowered ourselves, we justify and maintain so stubbornly such Consciousness although it is only bringing suffering upon us and is taking our Power away, but we are acting in such Ways in our own Relationships with other People We say We Love. Do We Love them or We want Love from them? We want Love from each other so We fight. Specialy in Romantic Relationships our Power completely depends on the Power of our Partner and if they do not fulfil our Expectations, we say they fail us. We are attached, We expect, We cannot feel alive without one another, so We blame each other for our own Consciousness and State We are in. We Fail each other, We say, but We have depended on each other for Love that We are ourselves, giving our own Power away out of attachments, we have given our Power away and depended on Power of Love in another. But there was no Love in another, for they depended on Love they were seeking outside of themselves in us. So both of us got nothing for We seeking in Wrong Place. We can not be Loved. We can only Love. And as I AM Love Myself an Eye Love, We all Love each other for We are Love that I AM. But as We seek Love in each other, that we did not seek in ourselves, we only consume each other and drain each other, for we sought in each other what both of us did not find yes and then both so unhappy victims of each other, Victims of the Matrix of Illusion, We blame each other, for the Power We, that have given away to One another and tried to take away from one another. Yet We do not even Realize, we only so selfishly want and demand the Consciousness in our Relationship, that is cause of everything we want to end in this World.

We want Heaven on Earth and World of Peace, where there is no Violations of Power of One another, but We are holding on and depending on Power of one another and seeking Love in each other to be Loved ourselves, when We are that Love, we are searching for. We have to understand that Kingdom is within us and as We resolve the Issues within our own Kingdom, We resolve the Issues in the World. When we let go of our Expectations, cut the Attachments, when we forget Conditions and demands and live in unconditional Love, we claim back our Power and We can be Love and Happiness, that We are ourselves No other way to be Happy and Fulfilled, for You are Happiness and Fulfilment Yourself, that I AM, Love. Yet, when We are not standing in our own Power and expect Power of another to Fulfill us and make us Happy, we are actually Empowering the Reptilian Matrix of depending on Power of another to be Alive ourselves. We do not even Realize, but We are feeding the Matrix. We want Heaven on Earth and in our own Life, but attachments, expectations and depending on others are the Cause of all the Hell on Earth where Power is taken away from everyone as Law. We are actually empowering Hell on Earth as we act in old ways, expect, demand and want others to make us Happy or else. We are not even aware how We create the Reality of this World, We live in, We live in and out in the Reality of the Kingdom within us. We create this World out of State within our Kingdom within. If we want Power of another to make us Happy and fulfilled, we cause this Matrix to consume Power of Masses in this World, yet We are not even aware that Kingdom is within us. And just that is the only Reason that there is so much Drama in Relationships this Days, especially in Romantic Relationships Explosions occur every day on large scale. For in Romantic Relationships we really depend on the Power of another and We live on that Attachment to sustain our Consciousness., We control them, expect form them and demand from them, but We call it commitment, so it is ok to do so. And we suffer and blame them. But We must understand that Source no more allows us to expect the Power of others to fulfill us and maintain such 3D old outdated Ideas of Relationships, which are Cause of all the Suffering in the World, so naturally as We are holding on so stubbornly and We do not listen, we do not want to let go and We want old ways of karma to just go on in our Relationships, we experience much Pain and suffering that such energy creates.. Situation presents itself in its Worst Form so We can Learn and experience in our own Being through Pain, what is the actual Effect of Expecting that Power of other is to maintain us and make us Happy. We want to be Loved, but We suffer, for We search Love outside of us but only We ourselves are that Love we seek. Source is teaching us to claim our Power back through Suffering and Drama, though terrible situations, so we can let go and stop depending on Power of another to be happy ourselves. Source is Teaching us to let go of what is hurting us so terribly, so We can Realize that depending on Power of another is only recipe to be miserable ourselves. As We realize that, We are ready to claim our Power back and step back into our Power. Love that I AM in our Heart.

We must understand, that Power, We are seeking outside of us to Fulfil us and make us Happy is within us always. We seek Power where, We cannot find it. We seek Love and Happiness outside of ourselves, but Kingdom of God is within us. You are that Power that I AM, Love Yourself Others are sometimes Happy, sometimes unhappy, so if You depend on their State, You are never to be happy Yourself, for You have given Keys to Your Happiness to another and as they Fail themselves, You feel they failed You. Happiness You seek outside of Yourself is within You Forever. Love You seek outside of You and Power in another is who You really Truly are. You are Love Yourself, You are that Power that I AM. Through Drama, Breakups and all the Fighting in Relationships in our Life, Source only wants us to Realize that We have to Stop depending on Power of another and depend only on Power of God that I AM in our Heart, so We become that Power and We claim and take our Power back. We are learning about Love through this awful Experiences, Love that We truly are Fulfilled in underneath the attached Illusion that seeks outside, Through Illusions that hurt us so terribly, We Realize the Power that We are and We Step back in our Power. And as We become Love ourselves, Power of all Powers fulfilled in Love, just giving Love that We are Infinite in away out of Infinity of Love that We in Fulness and Completion are ourselves, then as We are Perfect Love ourselves, our Loving Relationship in Union with the One, We Love, can Now also reflect hat Love and Harmony, that Balance that We are ourselves and it is Reflecting in the relationship in the World we are in, so as We are Perfect Balanced Love with no Need of Love outside of ourselves but Fulfilled in our own Power ourselves, We can enjoy Perfect Beautiful Love Life in Loving Harmony and Balance and Dreams of being Happy in Love can come true to us. For We are that fulfilled Dream ourselves. So naturally, for everything is the Reflection of our Kingdom within also our Relationships with our Friends and Relatives We reflect that Balance and Harmony of Love and Life with others is Beautiful as I AM Beautiful. If I AM Love, My Life of Love can be Lovely. I AM a Teacher, Eye teach out of Example that I AM Myself. Eye achieved that State of Harmonious and Loving Relationship with the One Eye Love, although We do not have much 3rd Dimensional Relationship in this World but Love that just is Now all across the Ocean with no Attachments and Conditions, whatsoever. She is that Love that I AM. And also Relationships with My Friends and relatives are reflecting Balance and Harmony and all is well, but Eye went through all the Drama, Pain and Suffering because of Expectation in this School of Life, Expectations, that Eye had form others and was depending on their own Power. I AM an Example of what I AM speaking in the Word that I AM. Eye do My Work, Work of Love of God giving You the Word that I AM to assist You to step back in Your Power of Love an Eye just do My Work for Source wants so in My Heart an Eye Trust with no Expectations, that Free Will of God in Hearts of Good Friends is to maintain My Work if I AM only doing My Work. Even if someone promises Me something, Eye wont say anything to remind them, for Eye have no Expectations. Yes Word is Bond and People do not always care what they Promise and Break their Word, but Eye have no Expectations to remind them. Their Word was given to Source so I AM Free of Expectation. Eye just do My Work an Eye trust that God maintains Me and regardless the Tests and Struggle through this Years and things still shaky with no certainty whatsoever, I AM the trust and No Expectation and I AM doing My Work for God in Hearts of al Who want to get Free. Eye just Work out of My Freedom and Abundance of Love that I AM Myself Fulfilled in. Eye cannot but not to give the Love, the Word that I AM. So it is, in giving Freely we receive Freely, that's Love. If Eye start expecting and demanding from People, like they ow Me something, My Work is Finished. Eye give You My Word. Eye have no Expectations from anyone and Eye allow no one to expect nothing from Me. I AM a Free Bird who gives Freedom to His Tribe as to Himself and Teaches the New way of New Earth, where We all are Free in the Power of Love that I AM. And somehow My Work is maintained, although I AM learning and Source always tests Me, if My giving and Work is unconditional and if I AM the Word that I AM or i AM of this World, just speaking something Eye passed My Tests. In having no Expectations and having full Trust in My Work, things always resolve as Eye pass the Test in unconditional Love, that I AM. Although Eye Know Eye deserve better as We all do for Work is Great, I AM Grateful for Mysterious Way of Unconditional Love to maintain Me as I AM giving My Love, Word that I AM so Birds may get Free in the Wind of Love that I AM and Fly on the Power of Love in their own Heart on their own Wings towards the Heavenly Kingdom on Earth. Kingdom of God is within You.

We have to let go of our Expectations, Attachments and depending on others to Feel Whole ourselves. We have to stop thinking, that someone can Fail us and make us Happy, we have to stop thinking that someone can make us have that Love, we did not realize ourselves. We have to step into our own Power and start Working on revealing the Power of Love that We are in ourselves if We want to be Happy, for everyone can Fail us in this World, just We should not Fail ourselves. For only ourselves, we can control. Everyone else can fail us any minute. And as We take our Power back and depend on our own Heart only, We become that Power of all Powers, Love, Happiness, Fulfillment and Joy we searched in another, ourselves. We become our Dream come True ourselves within the Kingdom within and we are at Peace. We are Love ourselves Now, no One can make us Happy and miserable but ourselves, for We are Love ourselves. And from that Point on, We can start Building the Heavenly Kingdom on Earth, for Consciousness builds the Reality of this World and if We want the World, Free of Control, where Power is returned back to the Human Beings, we have to become that Power ourselves and Stop depending on Power of Love in another to be Happy ourselves. For the Kingdom of God is within You. You are the One You are waiting for to claim Your Power back and bring Heaven to Earth, World of Peace, Harmony and Beautiful Relationships in Balance and Harmony, where everyone is that Love Themselves that They enjoy in Beautiful Heavenly Life. For We do not depend on each other, but We have set each other Fre, We are Love ourselves in Fulness and Completion Fulfilled, giving Love that We are Fulfilled in to one another and We enjoy the Life of Love, We are ourselves as We dance in the Wind of Freedom. Stop depending on Heart of another and step into Your own Power. Do not fail Yourself, do not betray Yourself so no One can Fail You and You bring Heaven only in every Relationship You are in. Matrix is composed out of Attachments, Conditions and depending on others for Your own Happiness. Matrix of Consumption and Kingdom of God is within You

Do not betray Yourself. Stop seeking Love outside of You, so You may Know the Power Love. Your own Power that I AM, Yourself. As You step into Your own Power and depend on Power of no One, Free of all Expectations, You have logged out of the Matrix and You are on the Way to Heaven on Earth, You so much Desire. The Kingdom of God is within You and You are the Creator of the World You are in. In the Matrix Beings seek for Love in each other robbed of their Power. But on New Earth Human Beings are Love that I AM themselves and We all Love each other in Joy. Eye give You My Word.

  • Purna Ananda 1.09. 2018 ©


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