Which should I choose for post promotion -- Null beneficiary or SBD transfer?

Because we have seen a sudden uptick in interest for post promotion by burning tokens on the Steem blockchain, I thought I'd do a quick compare and contrast between two possible methods for post promotion. As described here, post promotion through token burning can now be accomplished in either of the following ways:


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1.) Set @null as a 25% beneficiary at posting time and add the #burnsteem25 tag to the post.
2.) Send any amount of SBD to @null with @[user]/[permlink] in the memo field in order to get the post added or elevated in the /promoted feed. (that syntax must be followed exactly - no [] brackets, or the SBD will be lost! Also, only SBD can be sent. Transferred STEEM will also be lost.)

Assuming that curators will monitor both mechanisms, how does an author decide which approach to choose? The table below might offer some guidance. For the record, this is just my understanding and mistakes may be possible. Please let me know if anything needs to be fixed, or if I should add other points of comparison.

Zero "out of wallet" requirementX-
"out of wallet" transfer required-X
Only set once at posting timeX-
Set at any time before payout-X
Can apply to someone else's post-X
Can increase the promotion amount multiple times-X
Fixed cost-X
Variable cost (percentage)X-
Sort by new/trending/payout/muteX-
Possible to "bid" for and win top placement-X
Burns Steem/SBD/Vests (SP)X-
Burns SBD only-X
Reduce inflationXX
Possibility to reverse inflation-X

That's a first pass at the comparison. What am I missing?

3 columns
2 columns
1 column