Strengthen my hands

Biblical quotation: Nehemiah 6.9 "For they were all afraid of us, saying, Their hands will be weakened in the work, and it will not be finished. Now, oh, God, strengthen my hands>


The task that had been entrusted to Nehemiah was large and extensive, it was a matter of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem that had been torn down and burned; It proved to be an almost impossible task for man, but Nehemiah had the full assurance that the Lord supported him at all times. Many mocked the work they would do, and were almost certain that they would fail in the work entrusted to the people, so they dared to ensure that their hands would weaken as the work progressed and desist in such work; Nehemiah therefore called on the God of Israel to give them strength in their hands so as not to leave unfinished what had been started and come out triumphant in this commission, demonstrating to the unbelievers what God is capable of doing when he is obeyed and entrusted at.

Like Nehemiah, perhaps on countless occasions many people have come to you to discourage you, or to "advise" you are better off in your attempt to perform certain things, "recommending" that it is better to stay where you are , or with what you have ... dare to declamate that adage that says: better a bird in hand than a hundred flying; nothing more false do you know why? Because the person who advises you in that way only falls into 2 classifications: 1) is a failure, or 2) is a conformist; and what bothers him most is that others dare to do what he did not dare for fear of failing in the attempt.

The call to be a successful or successful is for everyone, but only a few succeed, for the simple reason that they dared to take the risk; they did not fear adversity, they closed their ears to foolish words, they fixed their eyes on the horizon with the conviction of conquering the other shore, of discovering the unknown, betting everything in exchange for everything ... this is a man of decisions and convictions.

Jesus Christ gives us the clear example of a man who took risks and commitments with God, did not hesitate a bit to surrender himself in his totality for nothing; he was convinced that his sacrifice would not be in vain, that his word would spread throughout the world, and the world would recognize that in truth He is the son of God; that is why the bible says: <that the Father at the most EXALTED IT, and that every knee will bend and every tongue will confess that He is THE LORD> ALLELUYA, GLORY TO GOD !!

When you plead with the Eternal God to strengthen your hands just as Nehemiah did, you are asking him to fill you with his power and his blessing, that is, to free you from all affliction, not to leave you and to pour out on you. the great riches of the kingdom; that you be overflowing, that you are not lacking in anything, and that your source of power comes from above, from the divine ... that your dependence is only on Him, on no one else.

Even when the world says otherwise, your trust must always be in Jehovah; only learn to wait for the Lord's time, and He will do; because remember that nothing is impossible for Him.

Now I invite you to raise your hands to Him, as a sign of gratitude and humiliation. Open your heart to Him and with your mouth declare the longing that is stored in you; do not be afraid to explore the unknown, because if God has told you that he is always with you, then WE WILL DARE THAT THIS TERRITORY OR PROJECT IS ALREADY YOURS!


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