The devil is generally believed to be in charge of the earth. Even the scriptures in 2corinthians 4:4, referred to the devil as "the God of this world". But was the devil placed in charge of the earth from the beginning? If no, how then did he become the one in charge?

From the beginning of creation, man was placed to be in total control of the earth. Genesis 1:28; reads:

KJV:And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.


Man was given the authority to rule and subdue the earth. Why? Because only man has what it takes to relate with the earth - flesh and blood. The earth is a physical world and made of things that are physical and as a result, only those that are physical(that is, having flesh and blood) have the legal right to exercise authority over the earth. Anything that will have to exercise any form of authority in the earth or over the earth must require flesh and blood in order to exercise such authority.

The scriptures in psalm 115:16; reads

KJV:The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.

So originally, man was supposed to be in charge of the earth because God the creator placed him in charge here since only him has what it takes to relate with the physical world - flesh and blood. So the question now is, if flesh and blood is a requirement for gaining control over the world, why is the devil being referred to as the ruler of the world?

God, the creator of the world cannot exercise his enormous power in the world without passing through a flesh and blood (man), likewise the devil. That is why both God almighty, the creator of the world and the devil, the trickster of mankind are both fighting seriously to get the attention of man. The difference between these two forces fighting for the attention of man is that, God wants man to know his rights and help him exercise such rights over the earth, while the devil wants to strip man of his rights and use such rights to exert his own influence over man and the earth.

This means that the force possessing the life of a man determines the extent to which such a man will exert his original authoriy over the earth. The devil takes such authority from man and uses it to propagate his own agenda while God enables man to exercise such authority fully by making him aware of it. And if you look closely in our world today, you would see these two forces operating through man.

Man is the one given the authority to take charge over the earth while God or the devil can be given permission by man to take charge over the life of a man. There is a vacuum in the life of every man for one of these two forces to occupy, but only man can decide which of the two spiritual forces they want to fill such vacuum in them. This is a very necessary choice every man must make because such vacuum in the life of a man must be filled by one of these two forces.

The down side of such necessary decision every man is required to make is that, whoever possesses the life of the man determines how and to what extent he will exert his authority over the earth. Both God and the devil have submitted their manifestos to man and man is made to make a choice. The devil seem to be getting the upper hand in the world because most men are falling for his deceptive manifesto and allowing him to utilize their authorities to cause havoc in the earth. That is why the devil was referred to as "the god of the earth". Not because he originally has any control over the world or created anything in the world, but because most men has given him their original authorities to rule over them. So the devil works through the lives of the men he rules over to exercise control over the earth.

The devil understands that should man know God's original plan for man, man would revolt against him and chase him out of the earth. So he developed tricks to blind the eyes and heart of man from the light of God's word and keep them in the perpetual darkness of ignorance. That is why you see so many men in high places fighting against the word of God because the devil don't want man to have an understanding of his true identity and authority.

Man has the authority to rule over and dominate the earth, but he can only either function in this authority or get stripped of it depending on whom he decides to give charge over the vacuum in his life. It can either be God or the devil. There's no sitting on the fence in this. Who gains control over your life determines how you exercise your authority over the earth because the earth was given to man. If i may ask, "who are you allowing or going to allow to fill the vacuum in your life?" It's up to you!

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