📣 Your reputation on steemit should be rewarded. Earn SBD with your @reviewme profile!


What is @reviewme?

If you still don't know what @reviewme is - then you're missing out big time!

Hi, I'm @kaliju! In my original post Introducing @reviewme, I talked about how you could eaily create your own profile page resembling something like LinkedIn, but way simpler (and cooler!), which you could then include in your signature of every post you make to direct people to your profile page so they could leave feedback about your blog or write a review about their experience dealing with you in the comments section of your @reviewme profile page. It's simple and it has a purpose...

The purpose:

You may have seen that little number next to steemian's name - it represents their reputation according to the algorithm of steemit.com. However, it is not enough to establish a true understanding of who the person is, based solely on his reputation score on Steemit.com

With @ReviewMe Profiles Your TRUE Reputation On Steemit.com Is Decided By The Community - people leave genuine reviews about you and your blog and that has tons more weight then some random computer generated number.

Once you've created your profile in one easy step as described here - You can then forever refer people to your profile to leave their feedback about you for years to come (if Steemit will still be around).

When other steemians review their interactions with you - they will give you, what we call, a credibility star or multiple cred. stars on a scale of 1-5.

They look like this: 5 cred stars Minty!

You'd be wise to start collecting as many stars as possible now, because...

The awesome thing about @reviewme is:

The amount of stars you collect depends on how many people are willing to leave a review on your profile, so, including a link to your @reviewme profile page in your signature of every post Is a good idea. Not only do you get upvoted for your high quality @reviewme page but...wait for it...You will be able to trade your collected ***credibility stars*** for real SBD and other prizes that will be announced shortly!

Currently you can exchange 100 @ReviewMe Credibility Stars for 1SBD!

How awesome is that!? Once you have accumulated 100x ![one cred star](http://bit.ly/1credstar) credibility stars - You will need to send a link to your #reviewme profile page to the @reviewme account. It will then send you SBD!!!


So what are you waiting for!

Create your official @ReviewMe profile today and start establishing your TRUE reputation on steemit.com according to people you interact with daily, and not some algorithm!

I have a little bonus for you, as well :)

If you submit your profile to the #PayItForward Contest Discord Server - I will manually upvote it to give you a little boost! Comment on any post from @thedarkhorse for the link to our discord! (Shows us you're a person and not a spammer/bot looking for a quick upvote)

Thank you and I look forward to your @ReviewMe profiles!



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