Church In Apostasy- Pedo Ring Exposed: The Grand Jury Report

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The same Pope that decreed that atheists can go to heaven and the notion of God is "outdated" is now under fire by Cardinals and Bishops who are calling for his resignation for absolving 2000 pedophile priests after the revelations in the Pennsylvania Archdiocese (omitting Philadelphia & Altoona).

It pains me to write this but my Catholic Church is indeed in apostasy as predicted to the children of Fatima Portugal in 1917... it has been taken over by Satanic forces. It makes sense that for Satan to prevail he must attack the repository of faith in this world and the Catholic Church being the largest, it makes the most likely target.

This isn't the first time anti-Pope Francis has covered for the pedophilia that seems to have become rampant in the church following Vatican II (Novus Ordo). In fact pedophilia was part of a plan to bring down the Church and a slew of homosexuals joined the priesthood following Novus Ordo. In one case Francis absolved a priest who raped 30 children and infected them with AIDS. God teaches us to "hate the sin but love the sinner," but that does not and should not absolve them of criminal prosecution. Forgiving someone spiritually and forgiving them legally are two very separate issues and should not be conflated. Hopefully, the Grand Jury report from Pennsylvania will turn this around and prosecutions will be forthcoming. I got the report (887 pages) and will go over some of the charges- which are horrific.

"We were given the job of investigating child sex abuse in six dioceses – every diocese in the state except Philadelphia and Altoona-Johnstown, which were the subject of previous grand juries. These six dioceses account for 54 of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties. We heard the testimony of dozens of witnesses concerning clergy sex abuse. We subpoenaed, and reviewed, half a million pages of internal diocesan documents. They contained credible allegations against over three hundred predator priests. Over one thousand child victims were identifiable, from the church’s own records. We believe that the real number – of children whose records were lost, or who were afraid ever to come forward – is in the thousands."

"Most of the victims were boys; but there were girls too. Some were teens; many were prepubescent.
Some were manipulated with alcohol or pornography. Some were made to masturbate their assailants, or were groped by them. Some were raped orally, some vaginally, some anally. But all of them were brushed aside, in every part of the state, by church leaders who preferred to protect the abusers and their institution above all."

This pattern seems to be consistent across the globe... The Church is more interested in protecting itself (and more importantly its assets) than in protecting the children. Hundreds of Bishops and Cardinals in Chile have been charged. The same is true of Argentina, home of Francis. They must have missed Matthew 19:14 "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Or Matthew 18:6 "But whoever shall offend one of these little ones who believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea." Unfortunately, as the report goes on to say, most of these charges are too old to prosecute which makes it all the worse that the anti-Pope refuses to do anything internally.

The State of Pennsylvania is not so forgiving...

"But we are not satisfied by the few charges we can bring, which represent only a tiny percentage of all the child abusers we saw. We are sick over all the crimes that will go unpunished and uncompensated. This report is our only recourse. We are going to name their names, and describe what they did – both the sex offenders and those who concealed them. We are going to shine a light on their conduct, because that is what the victims deserve. And we are going to make our recommendations for how the laws should change so that maybe no one will have to conduct another inquiry like this one. We hereby exercise our historical and statutory right as grand jurors to inform the public of our findings."

The FBI was asked to help with the investigation, to go over the reports from the dioceses which they "called a playbook for concealing the truth:"

"First, make sure to use euphemisms rather than real words to describe the sexual assaults in diocese documents. Never say 'rape'; say 'inappropriate contact' or 'boundary issues.'" In all the FBI found a seven point strategy for covering up for the peodphiles. This is the rest 2-7.

"Second, don’t conduct genuine investigations with properly trained personnel. Instead, assign fellow clergy members to ask inadequate questions and then make credibility determinations about the colleagues with whom they live and work."

"Third, for an appearance of integrity, send priests for 'evaluation' at church-run psychiatric treatment centers. Allow these experts to 'diagnose' whether the priest was a pedophile, based largely on the priest’s 'self-reports,' and regardless of whether the priest had actually engaged in sexual contact with a child."

"Fourth, when a priest does have to be removed, don’t say why. Tell his parishioners that he is on “sick leave,” or suffering from “nervous exhaustion.” Or say nothing at all."

" Fifth, even if a priest is raping children, keep providing him housing and living expenses, although he may be using these resources to facilitate more sexual assaults."

"Sixth, if a predator’s conduct becomes known to the community, don’t remove him from the priesthood to ensure that no more children will be victimized. Instead, transfer him to a new location where no one will know he is a child abuser."

"Finally and above all, don’t tell the police. Child sexual abuse, even short of actual penetration, is and has for all relevant times been a crime. But don’t treat it that way; handle it like a personnel matter. 'in house.'"

The report goes on to list abuse after abuse... I obviously don't have enough space here to enumerate them all. I will list a few to show how grave the crimes were and how a systemic cover-up engaged to protect the abusers (and naturally the Church).

"In the Diocese of Pittsburgh, church officials dismissed an incident of abuse on the ground that the 15-year-old had “pursued” the priest and 'literally seduced' him into a relationship. After the priest was arrested, the church submitted an evaluation on his behalf to the court. The evaluation acknowledged that the priest had admitted to 'sado-masochistic' activities with several boys – but the sadomasochism was only 'mild,' and at least the priest was not 'psychotic.'"

"Another priest confessed to anal and oral rape of at least 15 boys, as young as seven years old. The bishop later met with the abuser to commend him as 'a person of candor and sincerity,' and to compliment him 'for the progress he has made' in controlling his 'addiction.' When the abuser was finally removed from the priesthood years later, the bishop ordered the parish not to say why; 'nothing else need be noted.'"

"A priest in the Diocese of Harrisburg abused five sisters in a single family, despite prior reports that were never acted on. In addition to sex acts, the priest collected samples of the girls’ urine, pubic hair, and menstrual blood. Eventually, his house was searched and his collection was found. Without that kind of incontrovertible evidence, apparently, the diocese remained unwilling to err on the side of children even in the face of multiple reports of abuse. As a high-ranking official said about one suspect priest: 'At this point we are at impasse – allegations and no admission.' Years later, the abuser did admit what he had done, but by then it was too late."

This is not to say there were no prosecutions or that any of this is over and done with... as I said the report is 887 pages long and I'm going to keep reading. Although changes in the Church have been minimal, public awareness of the abuse is growing. So too are the prosecutions and although few compared to the rampant abuse, they're a start. I'll keep reporting on this as I go deeper into the records.





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