Celebrating Reputation Score in Steemit - Made it to 60's

I have been so busy with helping and mentoring a group of Steemit newbies that I had forgotten to see that I have finally reached the 60 Mark in the Steemit Reputation Score. Hooray!


For me, this is really a big accomplishment in this time at Steemit and a reason to celebrate.

My Reputation Score began at 25

When I began in Steemit, Steemit gave me a score of 25. Now, I am 62. Sounds 'old' to me, as if I have reached 62 years old.

I am too new to analyze how reputation score is given at Steemit. I remember reading a post last month defining the levels of reputation score. It tells you where you are when you reach 40, 50, 60, and 70. I can't remember the exact defintion for each level, but I remember reaching 60 for the reputation score means that you are now a "Professional Blogger". Hey, that's neat. That is exactly what I learned on the Steemit blog - to learn how to blog my life and values to the community by BLOGGING.

How To Build that Reputation Score from 25 to 60

Since I have reached 60, I can share a little bit more with the newbies what I did to get to the 60 mark. I am not sure how the score is given but I can tell you what I did so that it will help newbies to spend time building your reputation.

When I began on Steemit, I didn't know anyone on board. This means I was not invited by any Steemians. I just came in but after reading a few blog posts, I recognized a few names of people that I knew from other platforms. Then we got connected again.

Build up reputation with Steemians with good reputation

For the Steemit newbies who are coming on board and want to build up your reputation, I can only tell you what I do, so I list out here what I have done so far on Steemit.

  1. I read a lot of blog posts to follow reputable Steemians. I started following them to learn from them.

  2. I also commented on their blog posts. Sometimes I get noticed when they reply, but other times, there were no replies.

  3. I followed mainly 'travel' blog posts because my passion is to write about 'travels' and things I learn from different cultures and values that we don't experience in our hometown. I like to learn new language and that's why I go to places where people don't speak English and I want to learn how we can mingle with them to learn about their life, traditions, and culture. I enjoyed a lot of 'travel' blogs posts on Steemit and especially the culture vulture series pioneered by @eroche

  4. I believe it is important to focus on Bloggers who spend time to write their thoughts and sharings because this is what Steemit is about. While it is true that you get paid for blogging, but it is better to concentrate on our content of blogging. Learn to share from your heart.

  5. I spent time watching you tube videos about Steemit and I especially like the video interviews done by @terrybrock as he introduced steemians with good reputation to us. He is an example of one who shares from the heart.

  6. I get involved with different communities who contribute to the Steemit environment. This takes a little bit of time. You can find them in Discord.

  7. I also joined quite a few drawing and especially photography contests as photography is one of my biggest hobby. From there, you get to know them and they get to know you in the participation.

  8. I want to learn blogging, so I try to contribute to the Steemit community by blogging everyday. But when I am on the road traveling, that is difficult because when you are tired from the blogging, you can't blog. I feel that dong consistent blogging helps to build up a "Professional Blogger". Try to blog first thing in the morning when you are most focused.

Misbelief that Reputation = Big Payout

I want to let the new Steemians that having a high score in reputation does not mean that you become rich with lots of rewards and payout.

That is not my experience at all.

But new people coming in may think that those with high reputation score are the people getting a lot of money reward. In fact, I saw many who have a reputation score of 25, they have lots of pay out. Don't follow them. They are not here to blog.

To Build your Reputation, you Blog

This is what Steemit is about.

Blogging! Blogging! Blogging!

My Best Advice for New Steemians

1. Concentrate on the blogging and one day money will follow.

2. Don't get discouraged if no one notices you.

3. Just keep blogging to bring value to the platform.

4. Don't give up.

Let's continue blogging together in a sharing spirit,



Hope you have enjoyed reading this post as much as I have written it. Keep blogging on with values. That's the spirit of steemit.

谢谢你的阅读!希望你喜欢。如果你喜欢我的分享, 请点赞并跟随我。

You can contact me at Utopian here: @rosatravels
You can contact me at Steemit here: @rosatravels
You can contact me at my Website here: http://LearnPianoWithRosa.com/

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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