Chinese Translation for // Calling out for More Translators & Proof Readers to make this Global

Translation Contribution to Open Source Project

I've been using the platform for the last few weeks and loving it. While I was going through Crowdin to look for Open Source Projects to translate, I was surprised to come across page and saw that the Chinese translations for had not been completed.

So far only these 5 Languages in are fully completed:

The following screen shot shows that only 5 languages have completed their translation with 100% approval.


A Big Shout out to:

  1. Arabic
  2. Bengali
  3. Filipino
  4. Indonesian
  5. Ukranian

**There are many chinese people wanting to use this platform. ** Hopefully, the Chinese Traditional and Simplified can get 100% translated completely in the next couple of weeks.

Proof of Translation for Chinese Traditional is at 100%

Today, I went into the Busy Page and finished the translation for


Other translators actually had come into the Busy page to translate for a few weeks ago already. But in the last while with updating the new interface after the beta testing, there were some more strings that needed translating.

I happened to be around the Crowdin site to update the translation to bring the Chinese Traditional translation to 100% so that the language icon can go into the Translated area for Proof Readers to come in to look over the entire translation for the second time.

Here are some of the translation activities I have contributed to this project:


Not everything can be shown here on this screen shot, but I have voted for 111 suggestions in the translation, and contributed some translations suggestion to make the translation better.

Here are some samples of the translation work done:




As you can see from my profile page, I have now become one of the translators for the Busy Open Source project.

Now, ** Proof readers translators** for the Chinese Traditional Language can come in to vote the existing translation to get this translation approved to 100% for its final completion.

Only then will this translation be 100% Completed in the 2nd Phase!

Calling for Proof Readers to Get Translation 100% Approval

When the translation is 100% done, the icon of that language moves down to the bottom of the page.

Here is the Screen shot to show that Chinese Traditional is 100% Translated but now waiting to get voted so that it will become 100% approval.


Actually it is not just the Chinese Traditional Language that needs translators to proof-read, but that there are also many other languages that need translators to go over the material again.

So if you are native speakers of the following languages, come into this platform and proof-read the translation so as to make this platform go Global.

  1. Bengali
  2. Bulgarian
  3. Czek
  4. Flemish
  5. French
  6. Greek
  7. Hindi
  8. Hungarian
  9. Japanese
  10. Romanian
  11. Chinese Traditional

These 11 languages have already gone through the first phase of the translation.

Only 597 Words To Translate

There are only 597 strings of words that you need to translate so it won't take up a lot of your time.

Take a look at the following screen shot and you can see that there are about 150 members involved in this entire project.

busy4.jpg is an excellent platform for many of us, especially after the beta testing. Come and join us to do the translation to make this project go global. Lots of opportunities for us to contribute together.

Here is the link to help you get started:

Thank you for your attention,

Thank you for reading this post! Do consider helping out this Open Source Project to make it go global.

谢谢你的阅读!希望你喜欢。如果你喜欢我的分享, 请点赞并跟随我。

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