Translation Contribution to Open Source: DictionaryForMids - Translate to Canadian English // Calling for Proof Readers

Here is the Translation to Canadian English for the Open Source Project: DictionaryForMids

I am really having a great time contributing to this Open Source Project: DictionaryForMids

This project has been created for some years already and are in need of Translations. So far only 4 Translations have been approved. Many of us are now doing the translation in our native languages to get the Open Source Project available for countries all over the world.

Today, My Contribution to DictionaryForMids - Translate to Canadian English

I have lived in Canada for half of my life and did my Canadian studies from elementary school in British Columbia all the way to graduate studies in Toronto. So I am proficient to translate to Canadian English.

We are required to hand in the Proof of the Translation via the Crowdin Platform.

Here is the Link to the Translation - 100% done

Here is the Profile Dashboard to Prove that I have contributed to the English, Canada


Proof of the Translation is 100% Done


Crowdin Proof Activity - When it was Done


As you can see from the print screen.

I suggested 249 translations.

The time was: Yesterday.

Content Shown inside the Time Activities


Now, the English, Canada has gone down to the Section - Completed, Needs to be Voted to Approve


Calling for More Proof-Readers to Vote to Approve Translation

As you can see from the above screenshot, there are lots of translations needing to get voted so that they can get 100% approved.

So those who are Canadians, you can come into Crowdin to Vote for the English, Canada Translation to get it 100% approved. The proof-reading is much easier than the translation itself.

Thank you for your attention,

Thank you for Reading my post. Hope this can help translators to join the project.

谢谢你的阅读!希望你喜欢。如果你喜欢我的分享, 请点赞并跟随我。

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