Translation of Airesis Open Source - Part 3 | Chinese Traditional Language

Continuing to Contribute to Aieresis Open Source Translation - Part 3

Today, I continue to translate this big Open Source Project of Aiersis. This project is quite extensive as it has 19,279 words to translate. So I am only able to do the translation part by part each day to get this project completed to the end. I have done Part 1 & Part 2 yesterday, so today I move on to Part 3.

Following is a Screen Shot of where I begin the translation today

We are asked to give proofs every detail of our translations so as to make it easier for the moderators to follow our translation projects easier, especially when this project is of such a mega size, it will require a few days to finish this work.


Part 3 is partially done with 66%.

So today I went in to translate this 'data base' string to complete the translation for this entire strings of words.

Proof to show the work Inside my Translation working place

Inside the translation working place of Part 3 of Airesis is like this:


There are 2 rounds of 5 Pages that need translation. The strings of words are provided on the left hand column. I provide the Chinese Traditional words in the middle section of the middle column.

After I finish the first round of 5 pages, Part 3 is not complete.

I have to go back to this inside translation working place to finish the second round in order to complete the whole translation of Part 3.

Translation text in Chinese Traditional Version

We are asked to provide as much samples of our work as possible so that the moderators can see our translation.

I copy and paste some of the words I translated in Part 3. Since it is quite extensive, I will provide part of Part 3 here for review otherwise it will take up a long post.

一個直接民主的工具, 由它來決定並集體地對任何主題產生的提案和想法進行決策和行動。
如果類別是私有的, 則不能在組外顯示論壇
如果您是認證使用者, 則無法編輯
%{count} 錯誤不允許保存此%{model}

Airesis 是一個 自由軟體平臺 , 由義大利開發人員和參與者組成的團隊構建, 使社區和團體能夠根據 直接民主 和參與的原則。

如果您是協會、公司、 學校或聚會, Airesis 勢必適合您!
在短短幾分鐘內創建您的小組, 並試用所有可用的工具.
創建一個組是免費的, 快速和容易和%{groups} 組已經活躍.
請閱讀我們的政策檔, 瞭解如何更好地組織它, 併發現如何輕鬆地組織您的團隊與 Airesis 和提供民主工具!

為什麼我們要求你支援 Airesis?
我們的道路, 以實現一個新的軟體, 一個想法能夠演變民主, 在網路上的生活。
Airesis 的演變

下面的清單顯示了 Airesis 在其演化過程中的變化。 您還可以找到為將來的版本計畫的突出顯示的創新。 如果您有興趣瞭解哪些功能正在開發並回來訪問我們, 請經常查看此頁!

Airesis 的演變

Airesis 對每個人都開放
在這個專案中貢獻你的經驗, 幫我們建立一個新的民主, 更透明和共用
一個直接民主和電子政務的決策工具: 參與討論, 提出你的想法, 提出解決方案, 並在網上投票

如果選擇發佈橫幅, 將對專案有很大説明。謝謝.

本文連結 旗幟

As you can see, this section requires a lot of sentences and paragraphs to translate because the owner needs to explain how this principles of e-democracy works in the web application. The translation explains that the purpose is to provide all the tools to incentive the participation of users in the choices that they make with other people.

Proof of the work translated in Part 3 to 100%

Here is a screen shot to show that Part 3 is all completed.


When the blue line reaches to the end of the section, it shows that it is 100% complete.

I can now move on to Part 4.

Proof from the Crowdin link

Here is the public link to my participation in the translation of the Open Source Project Aieresis in Traditional Chinese:

The work is ongoing and today, I also started Part 4 on Date and Time. I will need to complete Part 4 tonight when I have more time.

Github Link

To see the source code, you can come in to the Open source projects contribution in Github to see the ongoing process of this work.

Graph of the Translation work for this project

Here is also a time line graph of translation activities for this project Airesis in the last 2 days.



This is quite a worthwhole project to do to help the author of this project manager to get his work going global by translating it to different languages. Since I am fluent in Chinese, I am only able to translate this to Chinese. If you speak fluently in other languages, you can join in to translate it to your language to help this project go global.

Thank you for your attention,

Thank you for reading this post!

谢谢你的阅读!希望你喜欢。如果你喜欢我的分享, 请点赞并跟随我。

You can contact me at Utopian here: @rosatravels
You can contact me at Steemit here: @rosatravels
You can contact me at my Website here:

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