Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W5 | Preservation of the planet: Animals in extinction

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The world we see and live in is an extensive and connected web of life, ranging from different species and kinds of life from plants to animals, with each species playing their unique roles in the harmony of the ecosystem.

However, in recent years, certain activities by humans and occurrences have strongly affected the rate at which animals go extinct (i.e. vanish) leading to a loss of biodiversity. Therefore, this week's topic of discussion is based on the extinction of animals, analyzing the causes and consequences of the extinction of these animals, and the importance of conservation efforts.

Mention some causes that have encouraged the extinction of animals

Although several actions cause animals to go extinct, with some attributed to biological factors within the environment, it is no secret that human activities play a key role in the process.

Some human activities have been shown to cause immense environmental shifts making the environment unfit for the existence of certain species of animals. Activities that have encouraged animal extinction include the following.


When the population of a certain area is increased, it drives up competition for survival, and overpopulation in this case can cause extinction in two ways.

When overpopulation by human occurs, the natural habitat of these animals is threatened as the human race tries to fend for their basic needs, leading to the deforestation of vast land to build accommodations and killing for food.

Overpopulation among these animals also contributes to their extinction, as when animals are higher than the ability of a given ecosystem, it brings about a shortage in resources which leads to the death of some animals either of hunger or other animals eating them to survive.

Human activities

Human activities such as pollution, deforestation, urbanization, and industrialization all contribute to the extinction of different species of animals, as these activities tend to lead to the loss and damage of habitats, making it hard for many species to survive. Such extreme conditions can kill these animals or drive them into extinction as the habitat becomes unconducive for them to live in.


This is also a human activity driven by hunting, fishing, and wildlife trade. This also leads to the rapid reduction of numerous animal species.

Global warming

Another big driving force behind animal extinction is climate change. Global warming or climate change is changing their habitats at an exceptional rate, causing many species to extinction. Global warming leads to habitat degradation, which means the environment where these animals thrive is altered making it unsuitable for animal inhabitance; in turn causing the demise of varying species of animals, which depend on the environment for food and shelter. This is becoming a global threat even to the human race.

Natural disasters

Natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, tornados, tsunamis, floods, drought, landslides, etc can also cause animals to extinction as they play a part in the degradation of habitats and loss of lives, hence fostering species to go extinct.

What animals are at risk of extinction? You can refer to those that are endangered in your country or region where you live.

In the previous section, I've mentioned some causes that lead to animals going extinct, Nigeria like every part of the world is no different from all these causes, even though our only natural disaster has been flood. But with all the causes mentioned, the habitats of these animals get destroyed, hence leading to the extinction of the following animals.

Common namesScientific Name
West African LionPanthera leo senegalensis
West African Wild DogLycaon pictus amanuensis
Western GorillaGorilla gorilla
ChimpanzeePan troglodytes
Dama GazelleGazella dama

These and many more animals are affected around Nigeria, with mammals and birds being the most affected species.

What measures do you suggest are necessary to apply to preserve animals threatened with extinction?

Quoting the causes mentioned above, we can see that humans are in the thick of it all, as humans are a major contributing factor to the extinction of various species of animals even as natural cause plays their part. Hence to prevent this massive extinction of animals, here are a few things we should do.

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Obey The 3-R Rule

What is the 3-R rule? The 3-R Rule is simply Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce. This means that we should create the habit of using recyclable items that can be reused hence reducing pollution of our habitat and those of these animals.

Practice Afforestation

Afforestation is considered the opposite of deforestation, hence if deforestation is the cause of extinction, I'm hoping afforestation will bluster animal existence as deforestation is the cutting down of trees hence exposing these creatures to hash and degraded habitat, forestation on the other hand is planting of trees, to help mitigate the effect of global warming and creating habitat for this animals to flourish, hence killing two birds with one stone.

Practice Conservation

Overall, conservation efforts are crucial. To conserve means the establishment of protected areas, rules and regulations on hunting and wildlife trade, and efforts to mitigate climate change. This therefore protects against habitat degradation and overexploitation of these resources by humans.

Create Awareness

This I believe is the most important aspect of the fight against any maltreatment, creating awareness that our actions all have consequences and that animals' lives matter. I would want my kids to grow up to see the animals I had the opportunity to see and even more. So let's create awareness about our detrimental actions.

What's your favorite travel destination & why?

Let's reflect a little: What would be your calling in the preservation of species threatened with extinction?

As I earlier stated, the most important aspect to me is creating awareness, hence If given the chance, since I have no power to fight everyone, I would like to create more awareness concerning the conservation of these endangered species.

Talk to family, friends and the community in general if I can, to let them know of the consequences of their actions and convince them to change their habits to eco-friendly actions. Knowing that if we continue to harm the environment we live in, human life will also come at a risk of extinction at some point in time.


The extinction of animals is indeed a pressing issue as human activities are largely behind the driving seat. This loss not only affects the animal kingdom but also has implications for ecosystems and human societies.

I wish to invite @ashkhan, @ninapenda, @ruthjoe, @drhira and @suboohi

Thank You for your Time

NOTE: Always have a smile on your face, as you are never fully dressed without one.


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