Day 3#Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth!

Blessed are the humble, for they will inherit the earth.

I think the most important question we can ask of all bliss is: How does this bliss relate to God? Today, then, the question is,



This question would have to occupy the first place in our minds because, if we do not have an answer, we will not be able to fulfill the objective of our Lord in this sermon. He said in verse 16, "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father who is in heaven."

Jesus pronounced the Sermon on the Mount so that his Father could obtain the glory for how the disciples lived. His goal was to create a lifestyle in his disciples that would remind people of the importance of God. So, if people are humble simply because they have always been discouraged as children because their parents never raised their voices or because they have a special metabolism, then how can humility remember the glory of God?

Jesus is not interested in simply reforming manners or transforming personalities. The first request of the Our Father, which is the center of this sermon, is, "Hallowed be your name!" This was the passion of our Lord's life. Therefore, it is the passion for us. And we should ask ourselves, how does humility relate to God? In what way does becoming humble and being humble favor the sanctification of God's name?

In answering this question, in fact, we will discover that humility is something very beautiful, although it can be very painful.


Perhaps the best starting point is in Psalm 37, since it is almost certain that this bliss is a quote or an allusion to Psalm 37:11, which says, "The humble will possess the earth, and delight in abundant prosperity. " In the Old Testament in Greek the words of Psalm 37:11 are almost identical to those in Matthew 5: 5, which says, "The humble will inherit the earth." And the word that in Greek and in Hebrew corresponds to "earth" in the sense of "country" also means "earth" in the sense of "planet."

Let's try to understand what it means to be humble in this Psalm and how this relates to God.


Notice the parallel between verse 11 and verse 9. Verse 11 says, "The humble will possess the land." Verse 9b says, "But those who hope in the LORD will possess the land." I would conclude, then, that first the humble are people who wait on the Lord, but what does it mean to wait on the Lord?

We have an image of those who wait on the Lord, that is, the humble, if we read verses 5-8.

  1. Commit to the LORD your way, trust in Him, that He will act; 6) will shine your justice as light, and your right as noon. 7) Trust quietly in the LORD and wait patiently; do not be irritated because of the one who prospers in his way, by the man who carries out his intrigues. 8) Leave anger and abandon anger; do not irritate yourself, you would only do the bad.
    How are these people who, according to verse 11, are humble and, according to verse 9, wait on the Lord? Well, verse 5 says that they entrust their way to the Lord and that they trust in the Lord. Verse 7 says that they trust in the Lord quietly and do not get upset because of those who prosper in their way. Verse 8 says that they give up anger and forsake wrath.


Now let's try to summarize everything to create a portrait of the humble.

1.- Trust in God

The first thing the humble do is trust in God (verse 5b). They believe that they will act in their favor and will sustain them when others are against them. The humility of the Bible is rooted in the deep confidence that God is next to you and not against you.

2.- Encomienda the Lord His Way

Then, the humble commend their way to the Lord (verse 5a). The Hebrew word for "to entrust" literally means "to roll." The humble have discovered that God is trustworthy, that is why they roll their "way" - their affairs, their problems, their relationships, their health, their fears, their frustrations, they roll all these things on the Lord. unable to cope with the complexity and pressures and obstacles of life, and believe that God can and wants to support and guide and protect them.

3.- Trust in the Lord in silence and wait for Him

Then, according to verse 7a, the humble trust the Lord quietly and wait patiently on Him. First, they discover that they can trust in God. Then, second, they entrust their way to Him. And then, third, they wait patiently silenced for the works of God in their lives.

This does not mean that they become lazy. It means that they stop worrying. They enjoy a kind of stable tranquility that comes from the confidence that God is almighty, that He has his affairs under his control, and that He is merciful and that He will make everything go well. The humble have a silent stability with respect to their lives in the midst of turmoil.

4.- Do not get impatient because of the Impios

Your fourth characteristic (verse 7b) is that you do not get impatient because of the impios that prospers in your way. Or, as verse 8 says, they abandon anger. His family and his work and his life are in the sovereign hands of God; they trust in Him, wait quietly in Him with patience to see how their power and benevolence will operate; so adversities and obstacles and those who oppose them in life do not produce the kind of bitterness, anger and worry that is so common among men.

Therefore, the picture we have made so far of humility, based on the closest biblical parallelism (in Psalm 37:11) to the third beatitude, is that it begins by trusting in God. This, then, entrusts the way to the Lord, trusting that he will use his power and his mercy to do our good. Then, wait patiently and silently for the result. And, finally, this does not give way to anger and worries when confronted with oppositions and obstacles.

Humility begins with God and ends with God. Therefore, if we see such a person, we give God the glory and the goal of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount is fulfilled.


Now let's focus on the second half of bliss:

Blessed are the humble,
for they will inherit the earth.
The Effect Jesus Wants You to Have This Promise

What effect does Jesus want to have this promise in the disciples? I think the answer is that you want the promise to give you strength to continue with your humility. This is how the promise works : "Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you." In other words, the promise of a great reward gives the disciples the strength to endure the persecution with joy.

Therefore, I believe that with the promise that the humble will inherit the earth the Lord gives us the strength to endure by remaining humble, when the natural inclination would be to defend ourselves, respond or give way to the anger that makes us angry.

Everything is your

There is a passage in 1 Corinthians 3 that has helped me see how the promise to inherit the earth strengthens our humility. In verses 18-23, Paul tries to help us overcome pride. The Corinthians boast of having different teachers and their earthly wisdom. Therefore, Paul says,

Nobody deceive himself. If any of you think he is wise according to this world, become foolish in order to become wise.
Because the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written: He is THE ONE WHO BRINGS THE WISE INTO HIS OWN ASTUCIA. AND ALSO: THE LORD KNOWS THE REASONINGS OF THE WISE, WHICH ARE UNSUCCESSFUL. So let no one boast in men, because everything is yours: either Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or the present, or what is to come, everything is yours, and you of Christ, and Christ of God.
Observe the logic in verse 21: No one boast in men, BECAUSE everything is yours, and one of the things mentioned is the world. Do not boast, because the world is yours. Does it make sense to you?

Is not that true: they do not need the vain pleasures that go beyond humanity, because God has already made them heirs of the world? Would I boast that my house is bigger than yours if I knew that my Father owns the whole city and I, according to his will, would inherit it?


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