Quick guide to ranked matches and an example Match fought using my Fire Splinter!

Watch My Fire Splinter Match HERE.

Disclaimer :

(Link "Splinterlands beginner Overview / Guide" by @shyaren)
The above mentioned link is a Guide for beginners of Splinterlands that will give you all the answers you may have about Character Names, Abilities, and it will give you an all-around good perspective for a new player to start with.

I have been given the blessing that is being a part of the early release and development stages of something much bigger than a TCG. 
Its the start of the Internet revolution.  
Its the beginning of a Country that is independent of any fiat financial system, built and maintained by its citizens. 
That's what big business and Uncle Sam are afraid of.  
Not the decentralized nature of the community, but the power it gives the collective over the hierarchy.  

"This beautiful tight-knit community is the start of the Global United Independence of the **W0rld W1de W3b**." -@sekseos


My Plan Going in.

Summoner Choice

  1. My first thought is always to see what splinter I can use and how much mana I have available.
  2. Next, look at the handicaps 28 maximum mana So I've got wiggle room for characters. This match also has Fog of War attached.
  3. After that I take a look at my opponents past games.
    • What characters has he used?

    • What are his favorite splinters?

      • (Can he use them? If not then what would he use instead based on his favorite splinters meta type-vs-the handicap of the match). - He mainly uses Earth but its disabled so Im thinking I need armor because he's used to using ranged and melee. Because of this I want high damage and high armor so I go with Malric as my summoner.

Character Choices & Positioning

  1. My first choice is always chicken then I replace him as needed so I dont forget him. (Chicken is extremely useful in negating zergs at the tank or the healer depending on placements)

  2. Next is my Tank. Malric and my Pit Ogre are both leveled up quite a bit so I go with him for the Stun and Enrage. He goes in the second spot because I want my chicken to protect against that initial attack against him.

  3. After that I immediately look for my damage. In this case I have a Naga Fire Wizard and a Fire Elemental to burn down his tank and healer(If he has one). The Naga also acts as a second Tank for plan B because of the armor and high hp.

  4. Finally I place my Pyromaniac in order to snuff out any DPS he has that may be widdling away at my Naga or Fire Elemental.

  5. Epso-Facto and we're done. @reallove had some nice cards out for the match, but in retrospect he used too many cards without abilities and that cost him the match.

Hopefully This has helped some people get an idea of what to think about when preparing for a ranked match. I love the Fire Splinter but I am still upgrading my deck at the moment and fire still feels quite under-powered to me.


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Alric Stormbringer_gold.png

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