Steemit常见问题【解答6.1—7.13 关于评论挣取代币、STEEM(斯蒂姆币)、SBD(斯蒂姆刀勒)、奖励、STEEM Power(SP斯蒂姆影响力)】Steemit FAQ (汉译版)


(6.1)Can I earn digital tokens for commenting?

Yes, comments that are upvoted can earn rewards just like posts!


(6.2)How often can I comment?

There is a 20 second wait time in between comments to limit spam.

(7.1)Where do the new STEEM tokens come from?

Blockchains like Steem and Bitcoin produce new tokens each time a block is produced. Unlike Bitcoin, where all of the new coins go to the block producers (called miners), the Steem blockchain allocates a majority of the new tokens to a reward fund called the "rewards pool". The rewards pool gives users tokens for participating in the platform based on the value they add.
像Steem和比特币这样的区块链每次制作块时都会产生新的代币。 与比特币不同的是,所有新硬币都发给了区块生产商(称为矿工),Steem区块链将大部分新的代币分配给称为“奖励池”的奖励基金。 奖励池根据用户添加的值为参与平台的用户提供代币。
(7.2)How many new tokens are generated by the blockchain?

Starting with the network's 16th hard fork in December 2016, Steem began creating new tokens at a yearly inflation rate of 9.5%. The inflation rate decreases at a rate of 0.01% every 250,000 blocks, or about 0.5% per year. The inflation will continue decreasing at this pace until the overall inflation rate reaches 0.95%. This will take about 20.5 years from the time hard fork 16 went into effect.
从2016年12月的网络第十六个硬分叉开始,Steem开始创建新的代币,年通货膨胀率为9.5%。 通货膨胀率每25万区块下降0.01%,即每年下降约0.5%。 通货膨胀率将继续以这个速度下降,直到总体通货膨胀率达到0.95%。 从硬叉16起生效,这将需要大约20.5年的时间。
(7.3)How are the new tokens distributed?
Out of the new tokens that are generated:
• 75% go to the reward pool, which is split between authors and curators.
• 75%进入作者与筛选人的奖励池。
• 15% of the new tokens are awarded to holders of Steem Power.
• 15%的新代币颁发给Steem Power的持有人。
• The remaining 10% pays for the witnesses to power the blockchain.
• 剩下的10%支付证人维护区块链。
(7.4)Which exchanges are STEEM and SBD listed on?

STEEM and SBD are listed on the following exchanges:

Exchange STEEM SBD
交易所 斯蒂姆币 斯蒂姆刀勒
Binance 有 无
BitShares 有 有
Bittrex 有 有
BlockTrades 有 有
Changelly 有 无
HitBTC 有 有
Poloniex 有 有 有 无
UpBit 有 有
(7.5)What is the reward pool?

Every day, a fixed amount of STEEM tokens are allocated to the network reward fund, commonly called the "reward pool." These get distributed to authors and curators for posting and voting on content.
每天将固定数量的STEEM币分配给网络奖励基金,通常称为“奖励池”。 这些分发给作者和筛选人用于发表内容和投票(赞/踩)内容。
(7.6)How is the reward pool split between authors and curators?

Up to 25% of a post's payout is awarded to curators (the people who upvoted the post) as a reward for discovering the content. The other 75% is awarded to the author.
发布内容的奖励将高达25%的博客支出奖励给筛选人(提高评论的人)。 另外75%授予作者。
If curators vote for a post within the first 30 minutes of it being created, a portion of their curation reward is added to the author payout. This portion is linear to the age of the post between 0 and 30 minutes. As an example: upvoting at 15 minutes will donate half of your potential curation reward to the author.
如果筛选人在其发表后30分钟内投票该内容,他们的一部分筛选奖励将计入到作者的支付中。 这部分奖励与该帖子发表后0至30分钟之间的时间先后成线性关系。 举个例子:在15分钟的时间内点赞将会给点赞人提供一半的潜在的管理奖励。
(7.7)Will the reward pool pay out more or less depending on who votes?

There is a fixed amount of STEEM coins that gets added to the rewards pool each day. In the short term, the amount of coins that get paid out may be higher or lower depending on the amount of voting activity, but over time it will pay out the full amount of rewards regardless of who votes.
每天都有固定数量的STEEM硬币被添加到奖励池中。 在短期内,取决于投票活动的数量,获得支付的硬币数量可能会更高或更低,但随着时间的推移,无论投票是谁,它都会支付全额奖励。
Votes in Steem are stake-weighted. Therefore voters with more Steem Power have a greater influence over the allocation than voters with less SP, but their votes do not increase the amount of rewards in the rewards pool.
Steem的投票权益权重。 因此,拥有更多Steem Power的选民(用户)对分配的影响力要大于SP少的选民,但他们的选票不会增加奖励池中的奖励数量。
(7.8)Why do the earnings for my post go up or down?

The amount that is shown next to a post is a "Potential Payout". This is an estimated value of how much money the post will make based on the votes that have occurred so far. Depending on various factors, this value can go up or down until the payout window closes:
帖子旁边显示的金额是“潜在付款”。 这是根据迄今为止发生的投票(赞/踩),该内容将赚多少钱的估计值。 取决于各种因素,该值可以上升或下降,直到奖励窗口关闭:
• If a post receives more upvotes, the potential payout of the post can go up.
• 如果一个帖子收到更多点赞(拇指向上图标),帖子的潜在奖励可能会增加。
• If a post receives more downvotes, the potential payout of the post can go down.
• 如果一篇帖子收到更多的踩(拇指向下图标),帖子的潜在奖励可能会减少。
• If other posts receive more upvotes, the potential payout of the post can go down.
• 如果其他帖子收到更多点赞,则你的帖子的潜在奖励可能会减少。
• If other posts receive more downvotes, the potential payout of the post can go up.
• 如果其他帖子获得更多的踩,则你的帖子的潜在奖励可能会增加。
• If upvotes are removed from a post, the potential payout of the post can go down.
• 如果点赞从帖子中删除,帖子的潜在奖励可能会减少。
• If downvotes are removed from a post, the potential payout of the post can go up.
• 如果将踩从帖子中删除,帖子的潜在奖励可能会增加。
• If the price of STEEM goes up, the potential payout of all posts can go up.
• 如果STEEM的价格上涨,所有内容的潜在奖励可能会增加。
• If the price of STEEM goes down, the potential payout of all posts can go down.
• 如果STEEM的价格下跌,所有内容的潜在奖励可能会减少。
(7.9)When can I claim my rewards?

Posts and comments remain active for 7 days. When the period is over, you are able to claim their earned rewards. In your Wallet, click the Claim Rewards button to add the tokens to your account.
帖子和评论保持7天。 当这段时间结束后,您可以索取他们获得的奖励。 在您的电子钱包中,点击Claim Rewards按钮将代币添加到您的帐户。
(7.10)What is the difference between STEEM, STEEM Power, and Steem Dollars?
(7.10)STEEM(斯蒂姆币)、STEEM Power(斯蒂姆影响力)、Steem Dollars(斯蒂姆刀勒)有什么区别?

STEEM - STEEM is the base liquid currency token in the platform. STEEM can be powered up into Steem Power, traded for Steem Dollars, or transferred to other accounts. It is a cryptocurrency token, similar to bitcoin.
STEEM – STEEM(斯蒂姆币)是平台中的基础流动货币。 STEEM可以充值到Steem Power,转换为Steem Dollars,或者转移到其他账户。 它是一种加密货币令牌,类似于比特币。

Steem Power - Steem Power (abbreviated SP) is a measurement of how much influence a user has in the Steem network. The more Steem Power a user holds, the more they can influence the value of posts and comments. Steem Power is less liquid. If a user wishes to “Power Down” SP, they will receive equal distributions of the STEEM weekly, over a 13 week period.
Steem Power - Steem Power(斯蒂姆影响力,缩写为SP)是衡量用户在Steem网络中的影响程度。 用户拥有的Steem Power越多,他们对内容(帖子和评论)奖励数量的影响力越高。 Steem Power的流动性较差。 如果用户希望“关闭”SP,他们将在13周内每周获得平均分配的STEEM。

Steem Dollars - Steem Dollars (commonly abbreviated SBD) are liquid stable-value currency tokens designed to be pegged to $1 USD. Steem Dollars can be traded with STEEM, and transferred to other accounts for commerce or exchange. Steem Dollars may also be converted into STEEM via a process that takes 3.5 days. Steem Dollars can be used to buy things in marketplaces, such as The Steemit Shop.
Steem Dollars - Steem Dollars(斯蒂姆刀勒,通常缩写为SBD)是动态稳定价值的代币,被设计为与1美元挂钩。 Steem Dollars可以与STEEM互换,并转移到其他账户进行贸易或兑换。 Steem Dollars也可以通过3.5天的过程转换成STEEM。 Steem Dol可以用来在市场购买东西,比如在The Steemit Shop
(7.11)What is delegated STEEM Power?
(7.11)STEEM Power(斯蒂姆影响力)代表什么?

Users have the option to delegate Steem Power to other users. When a user is delegated Steem Power - their bandwidth, content votes, and curation rewards are calculated as if it were their own Steem Power. Users are not able to power down or cash out delegated Steem Power however, as it still belongs to the original owner.
A用户可以选择将Steem Power(斯蒂姆影响力)授权给其他用户(比如B用户)。当B用户被授权Steem Power(斯蒂姆影响力)--A用户的带宽、内容选票和筛选奖励被计算成B用户自己的Steem Power(斯蒂姆影响力)。 但B用户无法关闭或兑现别人(A用户)委托的Steem Power(斯蒂姆影响力),因为它仍属于原始所有者(A用户)。
Most users will have a small amount of Steem Power delegated to them by the Steemit account after creating an account via
在通过steemit.com创建帐户后,大多数用户的Steemit帐户将被授予一小部分Steem Power(斯蒂姆影响力)。
Delegated Steem Power shows up in a user's wallet below their actual Steem Power balance in parentheses.
委托Steem Power显示在用户的钱包中,显示在括号内,在个人实际Steem Power数值下方显示。

(7.12)What determines the price of STEEM?

The price of STEEM is based on the supply and demand of the token, as determined by buyers and sellers on the exchanges. It is similar to how the price of a commodity like gold is determined.
STEEM(斯蒂姆币)的价格取决于买卖双方在交易所确定的代币的供求情况。 这和黄金等商品价格的确定方法类似(取决于市场)。

(7.13)How do I get more STEEM Power?
(7.13)我如何获得更多STEEM Power(斯蒂姆影响力)?

With STEEM tokens in your wallet, click "Power Up" to turn them into Steem Power. If you have Steem Dollars, you can convert them to STEEM from your wallet, and then power up the STEEM.
在你的钱包中加入STEEM(斯蒂姆币),点击“充电”将它们变成Steem Power(斯蒂姆影响力)。如果您有Steem Dollars,您可以将它们从您的钱包转换为STEEM,然后充入STEEM。

If you don’t already have STEEM or Steem Dollars in your wallet, you can purchase them using bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), or BitShares (BTS) tokens. You may purchase BTC on various exchanges, such as or
如果您的钱包中没有STEEM或Steem Dollars,您可以使用比特币(BTC),Ether(ETH),Litecoin(LTC)或BitShares(BTS)购买它们。您可以在各种交易所购买BTC,例如Coinbase.com或。
To buy:
• Click "Buy Steem" from the main menu in the top right corner of, or from your wallet.
• 从steemit.com右上角的主菜单或钱包中点击“购买Steem”。
• Select the currency to deposit, and enter the amount of that currency you wish to use.
• 选择要存款的货币种类,然后输入您希望的货币数量。
• Enter your Steemit account name (without the @) for "Your receive address".
• 输入您的Steemit帐户名称(不含@)作为“您的收件人地址”。
• Click the "Get Deposit Address" button.
• 点击“获取存款地址”按钮。
• Send the currency to the provided address.
• 将货币发送到该地址。
STEEM purchases made via are facilitated by BlockTrades.
bitcoin can also be exchanged for STEEM on external markets such as Binance, BitShares, Bittrex, Changelly, GOPAX, HitBTC, Poloniex,, and UpBit.

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