Shatashloki 93: By crowning Vibhishana as the King of Lanka, Rama accomplished his promise

Abhishicya ca lankaayaam raakshasendram vibheeshanam
Krtakrtyastadaa raamo vijvarah pramumoda ha

Meaning of the hymn- Even before waging the war, Rama had coronated Vibhishana as the King of Lanka by the banks of the ocean. Now by actually crowning Vibhishana as the King of Lanka, he accomplished his promise. He dispelled the fear of uncertainty from the mind of Vibheeshana. Rama‟s vow of truthfulness is amazing.

Rama now officially handed over the kingdom of Lanka to Vibhishana. Before the commencement of the war, when Vibhishana advised Ravana about morality and correctness in returning Seeta to Rama, Ravana despised him. He said, “O Vibhishana, I am sparing your life merely because you happen to be my younger brother. Otherwise, for this audacity, you should be paying with your life. Go away from here”.

Then it dawned upon Vibhishana that his brother has transgressed dharma beyond limits and that it was meaningless to remain in Lanka after the many insults that had been heaped upon him. He immediately abandoned his brother and sought refuge in Rama. He stood by Rama and by dharma.

Vibhishana was a very wise person. He was very honest and frank with those who were honest and forthright with him in their speech. The conduct of a person reflects the true state of his mind. This is because what exists within is expressed externally through conduct and behaviour.

Rama observed the conduct, speech and behaviour of Vibhishana, when the latter
sought refuge. Seeing his disposition, way of speech, humility and actions, Rama
could conclude that this stranger in front of him was a man of good moral conduct.
His face was pleasant and charming and did not display any traits of vikara.
Therefore from his body features it could be understood that he was of good
character. His speech made it clear that he was straightforward and honest. His
actions proved that he did not have any loopholes. His speech reflected his purity.
No evil words emerged from his mouth. Hanuman too noticed all these qualities in

When the prominent Vanara leaders dissuaded Rama from inducting Vibhishana into
their camp, Rama said, “O Vanaras, listen to me.

Sakrudeva prapannaya tavasmeeti cha yachate;
Abhayam sarvabhutebhyo
dadamye tad vratam mama.

Meaning- If someone comes to me and seeks refuge, even if it were to be only once,
then I shall protect him from all beings. This is my vow”.

Vibhishana further continued, “O Lord, I will aid you in reaching the other shore. I
shall be of help in the destruction of demons”.

Although Vibhishana was a demon by birth, he could not tolerate the demonic
behavior exhibited by people of his own clan and wanted to bring their actions to a
halt. Rama was deeply touched by Vibhishana‟s frank opinion. Only he who has sought complete refuge (sharanagati) can make such a profound statement.
Vibhishana was worthy of being given refuge. Rama therefore gave him his
assurance of fear-not (abhaya).

Srirama was immensely pleased with Vibhishana. Immediately he asked Lakshmana
to bring the waters from the ocean. Using this water, Vibhishana was crowned the
King of Lanka, then and there. From that moment, Vibhishana was the de-facto king
of Lanka.

Immediately after the death of Ravana, Rama handed over the kingdom of Lanka to
Vibhishana. He further blessed Vibhishana with the boon that neither the Gods nor
Indra could ever defeat Vibhishana in war.

In this way, Rama profoundly blessed Vibhishana who had sought refuge in him. He
took all steps to make sure that his promise/vow to Vibhishana would get perfectly
executed. In protecting his vow of truthfulness, Rama is exalted. His actions in this
regard are amazing. They prove that Rama is not manava (human), but in reality is
Madhava (God).

Actions of God always amaze us!

Om Seeta Ramabhyaam Namaha.

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