One Smile and a Deep Breath to Quickly Fight Stress

I just had a little emotional breakdown and a panic attack about 40 minutes ago. Husband and I were having a financial discussion and things weren't looking good at all. Normally, I am quite strong in such times, but I guess everyone has their bad days so I guess today was mine. My day had been fairly good till that point, but I don't know what happened to me and I went under quite a lot of stress within minutes. I was just so depressed that for about an hour, I stayed grumpy and couldn't think positively.

Usually, I am the positive one in my marriage, guiding my husband to be hopefuly, but this time, he came to my rescue. I think this is the beauty of a loving marriage- one comes to the rescue when the other feels down and vice versa. Even though he was the one going through the trouble, he gave me hope and made me calm a little. However, I was still panicking from within and couldn't relax so thought to use Steemit instead. Nothing was improving and then I remembered a post by @eco-alex on how meditation calmed him down when the exchange market wasn't functioning as he had hoped. So I did a tiny bit of meditation and deep breathing and felt a tad bit better and then I came across the following video and it brightened me up real fast. Watch it and you'll be smiling too.

I guess laughter is the best medicine especially when you feel stressed. I am quite better now and going to give hope to my husband too cos my panic attack did worry him a lot. Also, I am constantly taking deep breaths and am feeling more focused on the present instead of thinking about the future. It is going to be alright. I will make things fine for myself and my family and my God will help me in that mission. I am going to affirm this to myself tonight and will be a lot more hopeful in the morning.


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Good night everyone. And it feels quite different to write a short post for a change lol. I am never this succinct ever.

Love and light,


P/S. Do tell me how you calm yourself down when stress attacks you?

If you love inspirational content, head over to the @ecotrain



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