STEEMIT vs YouTube: Analysis Of My Introduce Yourself Post

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As many of you know, I have a YouTube channel called Shayne, the Independent Optimist. I spent a long time working that channel to see if something would come of it. And I got some decent results. Not great, but ok.

And as all of you know, I have this Steemit channel @shayne (which you should follow if you haven't already!) My results on Steemit have been much more dramatic.

I thought I'd take a moment to to compare the statistics of the Introduce Yourself post I did yesterday against the video for the Introduce Yourself post on YouTube.

This will also take into account the general statistics of the YouTube channel and this Steemit account.

The Introduce Yourself Post vs YouTube video

Here are the video stats from YouTube:
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We've got

  • 1 downvote

These are the stats from the Steemit post:
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We've got:



I don't monetize my YouTube videos, in part because it's not really worth it any more, and also in part because I don't want to become dependent on a revenue stream that can easily be removed if someone disagrees with the content of my postings. The way that I have monetized my YouTube videos is by posting them here, on Steemit. That's the best way that I've found to make money

Even if I had my channel monetized for ads on YouTube, the RPM (revenue per thousand views) would be so low that we would be looking at fractions of a penny for that video. And besides that, YouTube has been blocking low view channels from serving ads in the first place.

Compare this to the $46.75 and rising that the post has garnered here on Steemit, and there is really no comparison... at all. Like, this is laughable, people...


Channel Comparison

This is what my YouTube Channel looks like:
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Now, 6,860 subscribers is not a laughable number. But for that amount of subscribers, an average of 350 views per video is not good.

And the Estimated Monetization number is based on potential ad revenue -- which I don't use -- but it's also an anual, which means yearly.

So that's a potential high of $116 per year on YouTube with 86 videos.

For comparison, here's the pending amount for my Steemit account according to the SteemViz Pending Payout Calculator tool by @ausbitbank:
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So my Steemit pending earnings for this week alone vastly outperform the potential earnings on YouTube, at the high end, for an entire year.

I'm making more on Steemit in a week, with less than half the number of posted content, than I could on YouTube in a year.

Here are my current Steemit channel stats:
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The most striking thing I think of when I see this is that the number of YouTube subscribers vs the Steemit followers is dramatically different, however the engagement that I get on Steemit is much, much, MUCH BETTER than on YouTube.

Most of the time, the comments I get on YouTube are spam bitcoin cloudmining links or Russian roboposts that wind up in my trash filter automatically. On Steemit, it's always real people, like you guys, who leave great comments and also are more open to conversation.


YouTube is a good place to host videos. Every media platform will embed YouTube because it's the biggest hosting site around. Also, it's free to use, so that's all great.

But in terms of exposure, engagement, and monetization, YouTube does not compare to Steemit in the slightest. It's not even close.

I mean, I'm making more in a week here on Steemit than I could on YouTube in a year, and that Steemit number is only going up. And keep in mind, that's based on under 300 followers here vs almost 7000 subscribers on YouTube.

If Steemit had a video hosting feature, it would be obvious to anyone but the biggest YouTuber (and even them, lets face it) where they should place their content for exposure, engagement, and monetization.


Tell me what you guys think about this. Personally, I'm pretty shocked by the difference. It should be clear to everyone where the future of content hosting is going.

Follow me @shayne

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