TAIWAN Journey #1: Let's go to the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall together! 🌏 Shirlam the Traveller || 旅者 Shirlam 🌏【台灣遊蹤 #1: 跟我一起去中正紀念堂】

Hello my Steemit friends, how is your day? Sorry for disappearing going offline for some weeks earlier this month. I went to TAIWAN for a week in September and brought with me a lot of memorable moments back here to share with you all!!! 😉
親愛的Steemit好友,不知道您今天過得怎樣了? 最近在Steemit上消失一段 挺長的 時間,感覺自己錯過了好多東西啊! 😢但我在九月去了一趟台灣,很迫不及待要跟大家分享呢!!! 😉

Can you guess where I took this photo? Hint: the classic limousine was once used to carry the most important person in Taiwan!
能猜到我在哪拍的照片嗎? 小提示︰這輛橋車可曾載過台灣最重要的人喔!

The answer is the first Taiwan president Chiang Kai-shek.
那個人就是台灣首任總統 蔣介石 (亦即蔣中正)。


So the first stop of our journey is.......... the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall!!

The typhoon season in Taiwan is during July to October, which means it rains quite frequently during these months. As we arrived at Taiwan, we bumped into the shattered rain. Although it was raining for the whole day, we were still so excited to get into the Memorial Hall.

Little facts about Taiwan 關於台灣的小知識

Before jumping into the Memorial Hall, let's get to know more about the special island - TAIWAN!!!
在正式進入中正紀念堂前,一起來認識一下這個特別的島嶼 ──台灣!!!
Taiwan has two nicknames:
  1. the Treasure Island 寶島

    Taiwan is rich of resources such as animals, fruits and plants. Also, there are a lot of special natural scenery around the island like the Sun Moon Lake. So people called it the TREASURE Island.
    由於台灣有優厚的地理位置,享有很多自然資源,如動植物、水果等;再者,台灣有很多自然景色,像是日月潭等等。因此,人們都把它叫作 島。

  2. Formosa (in Portuguese) 福爾摩沙 (葡語)

    It means “beautiful island” in Portuguese. Some said when the Portuguese first sailed around and discovered Taiwan, they were so amazed by the beauty of Taiwan that they shouted “llha formosa” (meaning such beautiful island). They then started calling Taiwan the FORMOSA.
    福爾摩沙在葡語裡是指「美麗的」,傳說有葡萄牙人經過台灣海峽時,看到台灣風景怡人,忍不住讚嘆了一聲︰「福爾摩沙 (美麗的島)」,從此福爾摩沙便成了台灣的另一別名。


Around the Memorial Hall 中正紀念堂的外圍

Opposite to the Memorial Hall is the Liberty Square.

Between the Memorial Hall and the Liberty Square are the National Theatre and the National Concert Hall. They both adopt similar traditional Chinese architecture.

What's inside Memorial Hall 窺探中正紀念堂

Before entering the Memorial Hall, there are altogether 89 stairs, symbolling the age of Chiang at his death.
As we stepped into the hall, we can see the statute of Chiang Kai-shek at the middle front part. There are also two honor guards at the two side of the hall.

The national flag of Taiwan was on the ceiling.

There are a lot of exhibition on other floors showing the story of Chiang and the history of Taiwan:
  • The sketch of Chiang 蔣介石的畫像

  • Handwritten draft of Chiang’s speeches 蔣介石演講辭的手稿

  • Memorial stamps from different years 不同年份的紀念郵票

  • Photos of diplomatic meeting 外交會面的照片

  • an exact duplicate of Chiang’s office 蔣介石辦公室的倒模

  • Can you guess why there is a fish in the Memorial Hall?

  • The honor guards performed the exchanging ceremony every hour. I am really amused by their perseverance and discipline. Let’s look at the video I have taken during the visit!!
    三軍儀隊禮兵每一小時交接一次,他們的耐力和紀律確實叫人讚嘆不己!! 一起來看看影片吧!!

    I have to stop by now (because I am having a lesson soon haha). This TAIWAN Journey series will keep introducing the beautiful places, history and fun facts of Taiwan. Stay tuned!!
    今天暫時寫到這裡,要去上學了,以後 台灣遊蹤系列 會為大家介紹更多台灣的景點、歷史和小知識,請多多支持!!

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    投票轉載追蹤@shirlam 😊

    Reference: http://blog.udn.com/PMCBOSS/9620750

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