🍚 TAIWAN Journey #3: Let's have BRAISED PORK RICE together! 👅 Shirlam the Foodie || 吃貨 Shirlam 👅【台灣遊蹤 #3: 跟我一起去吃魯肉飯吧!!!】

Continuing with my previous blog on The Red House in Taiwan, here let’s go for some typical and common Taiwanese cuisines. Let’s go to Ximending and have a taste of its Braised Pork Rice !!!

繼上一篇帖文跟大家介紹了台灣極具文化價值的建築 ── 西門紅樓,今天我想和大家認真的說說台灣的地道美食 (畢竟作為一個業餘吃貨,吃也佔生活中很大一部分喔),所以我們一起到西門町去嚐嚐 魯肉飯 吧!!!

Ximen Jinfeng 西門金鋒

The restaurant we are heading for today is called Ximen Jinfeng. It is located near the Ximending shopping area. If you are exhausted after walking and going shopping for the whole day, this is definitely the best place to rest up and try some local Taiwanese cuisine!!! 😜

今天我們要去的餐廳叫西門金鋒,就在西門町附近,如果逛街逛得累了,這絕對是休息的最好地方,還可以嚐到台灣的地道美食呢!!! 😜

The restaurant is quite spacious with big wooden desks, revealing the Taiwanese style.

The menu is simplistically and practically designed, listing all the dishes that you can order. The dishes are further divided into 4 categories:

  1. Rice 米飯

  2. Noodles 麵食

  3. Soup 湯

  4. Side dishes 配菜

My order!!! 我點了甚麼?

  • Braised Pork Rice with Mushrooms 魯肉飯

    Braised Pork Rice is a common Taiwanese cuisine. Although it is generally in small portion, it carries the warm hospitality of Taiwan.

  • Turkey (Chicken) Rice 雞肉飯

  • Stewed Eggs 滷蛋

  • Deep fried Tofu 油豆腐

  • Ribs Soup with Bitter Gourd & Boiled Vegetables

    The soup is freshly made and tastes very delicious. This is the most recommended dish apart from the Braised Pork Rice!!


Taiwanese drinks after meals is for sure a MUST!!!

吃飽了怎麼可以不來兩杯 台式飲料 呢?

Last but not least, here is a snapshot of Ximending in Taiwan.


🐾Ximen Jinfeng 西門金鋒🐾

Address: No. 89, Kunming Street, Wanhua District, Taipei City, Taiwan


!steemitworldmap 25.0426096 lat 121.5048235 long d3scr

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