Raymond Kartsveyl - Technology mad prophet


What would you think if someone told you that after 20 years you can upload your consciousness in computer memory and become immortal? What would you think, if you know that the man who confidently proclaimed above statement, e known by the phrase "I find death for something unacceptable" and that the daily drink more than 200 nutritional supplements and vitamins to "reprogram its aggressive biochemistry "and so live your upload-ing in computer and hence its immortality? The fact is that the Earth

there is such a person,

and it is also a fact that many believe it needs skilled and specialized medical care. The problem with this too easy conclusion is that it is not for anyone but for American Raymond (Ray) Kartsveyl - one of the greatest inventors, visionaries and futurists of our time. It's about the man called "the true heir Edison" and "perfect thinking machine." Kartsveyl regularly lectures with a fee of 30 thousand. Dollars to elite academic audience. He is also a successful entrepreneur who created several innovative technology companies, which then managed to sell. Most of his books are bestsellers. He holds 15 awarded honorary doctorates in various fields of science and engineering and has won many prestigious awards including the National Medal of advances in technology. Kartsveyl is one of the people who is not uncommon to be sought for advice from the Pentagon or summoned by Congress for hearings on issues related to technology. Last but not least, it is about the person accurately predict

technological developments

such as internet, wireless connectivity and distributed computing system (distributed computing) years before they become fact. One of the most popular Kartsveyl accurate predictions made in 1990 is that by 1998 a computer would beat the world chess champion. The event happened in 1997, when the computer of IBM Deep Blue defeated Garry Kasparov.

Kartsveyl grew up in New York and small developed an interest in electronics and music. Without any reservations it is what is commonly called a child prodigy. His first invention makes 7 years old when he created complex mechanical homemade puppet theater that can move the puppets and scenery. his school

passion for computers

It leads to that in 1964 when he was 16 years old, appeared in national television show to present his invention - a computer that can alone to compose music in the style of the great composers like Mozart and Chopin. Then Kartsveyl literally flies through the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology, receiving high marks in all subjects without even going to the lectures. He graduated in 1970 with a degree in computer science and creative writing. In the same year happens a great personal tragedy that it imprints for life and which many believe is the basis of his current obsession with immortality. Ray's father died of a heart attack as a result of congenital heart defects.

After graduating Kartsveyl makes dizzying career as an inventor and entrepreneur. In the early 70s consistently creates the first flatbed scanner, the first functional software for text recognition and then the synthesizer converting text to speech. Later inventor combines these three technologies to create

Kurzweil Reading Machine –

a machine that can read books aloud to blind people. Ray sold the first copy of Stevie Wonder, with whom he became friends. The famous singer became the first owner created Kartsveyl electronic music synthesizer that could reproduce totally realistic sound of real instruments. In 1987, the company Kurzweil Applied Intelligence first commercially available software for speech recognition vocabulary included. In 1980 already quite successful entrepreneur sold his company for reading machines of Xerox, and production of music synthesizers - the specialized Korean company Young Chang. At present, the main business of the inventor consists of two companies. One is FatKat hedge fund, which uses artificial intelligence to invest in securities. The other is Kurzweil Technologies, investing in small innovative technology companies and develops its own technology. From the moment who published his book "The Singularity is near: When people outlive biology" (The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology, 2005), however, Kartsveyl is known primarily as the main evangelist of futuristic event called "singularity" ( The Singularity). In short, this idea provides that due to the exponential growth of technologies such as artificial intelligence, computers, biotechnology and nanotechnology near future of humanity will surpass even the wildest flights of imagination. According Kartsveyl example When people outlive biology "(The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology, 2005), however, Kartsveyl is known primarily as the main evangelist of futuristic event called" singularity "(The Singularity). In short, this idea provides that due to the exponential growth of technologies such as artificial intelligence, computers, biotechnology and nanotechnology near future of humanity will surpass even the wildest flights of imagination. According Kartsveyl example When people outlive biology "(The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology, 2005), however, Kartsveyl is known primarily as the main evangelist of futuristic event called" singularity "(The Singularity). In short, this idea provides that due to the exponential growth of technologies such as artificial intelligence, computers, biotechnology and nanotechnology near future of humanity will surpass even the wildest flights of imagination. According Kartsveyl example biotechnology and nanotechnology near future of humanity will surpass even the wildest flights of imagination. According Kartsveyl example biotechnology and nanotechnology near future of humanity will surpass even the wildest flights of imagination. According Kartsveyl example

men and machines will merge into one,

humanity will achieve immortality and acquire opportunities that could only be described as "divine." In this radical thinker not only provides for the possibility of this happening. He was fully convinced that such a transformational event is inevitable and will happen before the middle of this century. Moreover, he can not wait to personally participate in it. To wait singularity, Kartsveyl daily intake over 200 additions and subjected to strict dietary and physical regime. According to him, all that is needed to become immortal, is waiting for the right time. And it will come no later than 2045, when Kartsveyl (currently 61 years) will be in '97 inventor even has a "plan B" - if not live then. He has taken the necessary steps his body to be frozen with liquid hydrogen after his death, to wait for the development of the necessary revitalize its technologies. Moreover Kartsveyl is confident that will be back to talk to his father, using DNA nanobots to recreate his body. Then, using the stored memories and archives to recreate its virtual personality.

Here's how specifically Kartsveyl imagine the future of humanity. For starters, at the current rate of development of computers that doubles its power every two years, will reach the level of

human intelligence

to 2029, says the inventor. At the same time, he said, scientists will be able to recreate the full functionality of the human brain. These two developments will allow the whole personality of a person, including all its memories and skills to be transferred into mechanical brains have enormous capacity. I.e. biology and technology will merge into one, combining their best side - human intelligence and personality and computing capacity infallibility and incorruptibility of computers. This will give people an immortal intelligence.

By 2045, according Kartsveyl our dependence on biology will be fully resolved because our bodies will swim millions of nanobots that will regenerate our tissues will eradicate diseases before they occur, and among other things will provide us with superhuman abilities. After that? What will happen when computers become

billion times more powerful

from the current, and people become powerful cyborgs with brains like supercomputers and impervious to aging and disease bodies? Here is what says Kartsveyl: Imagine that scientists and engineers are a thousand times more intelligent and can work a thousand times faster. For an hour they will be able to achieve progress in science and technology, which are now required in 100 years. The result will be infinitely accelerating technological evolution, the first goal of mana cyborgs will be becoming smarter and more clever.

This dizzying and radical vision for a short time Kartsveyl become something of a technological equivalent of a rock star. Today his ideas are among the most discussed topics in the blogosphere, causing heated discussions and extreme polarization of opinions. Some believe his views on the appalling and inhumane, others proclaimed him one of the greatest thinkers of our time and it declares no more, no less genuine atheistic prophet.

In all cases, the ideas of Kartsveyl have many followers, among them some of the most powerful people in the world of technology - for example, Google co-founder Larry Page. Others, however, did not hide his annoyance Kartsveyl. For example, the biologist from the University of Minnesota P. H. Myers openly ridicules the views of "tehnoproroka" on his blog. Lecturer in created Kartsveyl University of singularity (Singularity University), who requested anonymity, did believe that Ray Kartsveyl passes through "the most public midlife crisis, in which once passed a man." Visionary calmly accept all criticism of his ideas. For example, he does not share the popular view that

super-smart machines

They will want to get rid of their mortal, vulnerable and imperfect human creators. Kartsveyl is convinced that powerful machines will revere as their creators. Therefore script of the series "Terminator" will not happen, but the appearance of an evil artificial intelligence Skynet will remain as just frightening dystopian vision, says the inventor.

One of the things that amazes many is the ability of Kartsveyl putting their dizzying vision quietly and with conviction. Held friendly, calm and balanced. He is married with two grown children, she makes Lexus and dress modestly and conservatively.

After all this undoubtedly is that never before Kartsveyl dividing line between mad prophet and sober scientist, and between science fiction and science reality was not so fuzzy. In any case, regardless of the individual approach to ideas and Kartsveyl to his personality, the fact is that the concept of singularity is one of the most impressive and transformative ideas for the future of our world since the beginning of the 21st century.

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