70% of U.S. Children Don’t Live With Their Birth Father

Could this statistic be true?

America, how did this happen?

Could it be the music?

What has happened America?

The music?

Fathers, what is the problem?

The music?

Fathers, how can this be?

The music?

I recently learned of this statistic and realize the U.S. home is in far worse shape than many might imagine. How long will it take before the percentage ups to 80, then 90, then 100%, where homes are no longer intact with two birth parents? Obviously, the family is under serious attack. A conscious effort has to start to save it.

In the 70s, NOW (National Organization for Women) recalibrated the home priorities under the guise of women’s rights. Most of these rights were designed to bring the woman out of the home and into the workforce, basically forsaking her primary role as mother, for the lure of more money, which was conveniently depleted in daycare and taxes.

It’s for sure prayers are much-needed for a Divine Restoration of the family unit. No, it’s not prudent to uproot a family which is, as is; but, we can lay foundational principles for the future generations to prioritize the order of the home and family. I do believe God created man to be the primary provider of the family, and the woman to be the primary nurturer.

If you’re a dad doing your best to represent as the king of your castle, you may not know how crucial your presence is for your children. They’re looking at, and to you, for how they’re supposed to act and react. When they think of needing someone to nurse their emotional and physical bruises, they are more likely to look to the mom for comfort.

Current statistics reveal that children under 18, living with both birth parents, is at an all time low; locking in at only 46%. Children in this age group who live with two parents who were previously married to someone else; thus, representing as stepparents, is 15%. These ‘do over’ marriages come with their own set of problems.

The sitcom Brady Bunch, with both parents losing a spouse and happily remarrying is both idealistic, and a far cry from the real-life difficulties associated with both living parents trying to juggle the children between two homes. While this is doable, it is quite clear that financing two homes via child support, and managing parenting of both step and birth children is far more difficult and expensive.

This world is set up by God’s Design and man’s design. There’s the best way and the other way. Is the structure of the U.S. family in trouble? If I look at the numbers I might be a bit alarmed. But, the optimist in me believes that everything wrong in this life has a way of working itself out with God’s grace.


Best regards.


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