Translation for Steem Blue Paper (Introduction only), Simplified Chinese

Two months ago the Steem Blue Paper was published, which reiterated what Steem is and how it will change the content sharing landscape. A project for translating the blue paper has been put on crowdin, so I decided to give it a try.

Link to the project:

Contribution/ Proof of work:

Initially there was no simplified Chinese Translation available (i.e. 0%). I have worked to have it at 12% at this point.



I have managed to translate the introduction part of the document. As can be seen below, I went over the translation a couple of times and make corrections to make sure the translation is as clean as I can get it to be.

screenshot translation.jpg

Finally, proof that it is my work is shown here:

Open Discussions

I think there are some open discussions on some translation choices. Suggestions welcomed.

  • The translation of token is currently 代币. A common term that is also used is 令牌。I think 代币 is more official but 令牌 may be more common.

  • At this point I have not translated "Proof-of-Brain" as it seems to be a word-play with "Proof-of-work" and therefore translation may take away some of its "flavour". However, seeing this seems to be a key concept through out the whole paper, I may also translate it at the next stage

  • The reference of Escrow I believe is referring to the Escrow payment service 国际支付宝 , and I translated as so.

  • Currently there is no translation for steem in Chinese, however, same as bitcoin as ether, it may help in popularisation if a translation is created for "STEEM".

I am hoping to work on further translating the document in the next couple of days.

Open Source Contribution posted via

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