Last 'Share Your World' Contest # 4 - My Island Dream


Hello everyone and thank you @reonlouw for organizing this awesome 'Share Your World' contest.

In this post I will share a little part of my world, so hop on!

I am a transplanted New Yorker. I've spent most of my adult life working hard and running the rat race. Jumping from a train to another, from a job to another, in that concrete jungle called Manhattan.


11 years ago I decided to stop running. I was dreaming of an island in the middle of the ocean, where I can relax and enjoy my life. I think everybody has a similar dream, but not anybody can take action. Well.. I did it!


I decided to go to St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands. I moved my family to the suburbs in New Jersey and booked a vacation for me and myself.

Since then, August 2007, St. Thomas is my second home. I spend half of my time there. Here is a view of my dream island, or should I say "my island dream?"


Most of Caribbean cruise ships stop here, so tourism is the main source of income for the locals. My own source of income is tourists too, they buy my beach jewelry and handmade souvenirs. Well, I am a local too...


The beaches are very beautiful and welcoming for tourists and locals alike. There is no private beach in St. Thomas! They are open to everyone and I love that!


This beach is my favorite. White sand and turquoise waters. It is called Emerald Beach.


I am sure you already fell in love with my Dream Island. Its beauty is obvious. But what I love most about this island is the people. I love the warm, loving, caring Caribbean culture!

Although this island is very modernized, as it is a part of US, the traditions are still there. Locals still gather in those cute rum bars and tell stories. They swear on many super-natural events, they gossip and laugh and live life at fullest!

They don't worry that there is not enough money in the bank for retirement, they don't worry that the roof has a hole... no MAN, everything is irie... enjoy today, enjoy NOW, this moment...

I learned so many things from them. When I travel back to New Jersey to catch up with my kids and medical stuff... I get stressed and I want to go back fast.

Unfortunately, last year's hurricanes Maria and Irma slowed down my travels. I lost my business, my belongings, my tools... it is hard to resurface... but I try.

NEVER GIVE UP - that's my slogan.

So that's my piece of world I wanted to share with you today.

What other place and culture I admire and want to visit?

Well... I've been traveling quite a bit, all over the world. I am a nomad at heart and maybe literally too. I would love to visit all Caribbean Islands. All of them. They say "Same thing, different island", but it is not true. I've been to a few islands and I met all type of people, ate very different traditional foods, listened to various types of music, danced all kind of dances in their awesome Carnival celebrations, so ... no... they are not the same.

Like we always say in the islands - One day, one day...


Follow me and my stories starjewel.gif


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