New Working Group Announcement | Official Election Results

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Steem Alliance Elected Working Group

Congratulations! The ad hoc working group, "WG1," has certified the election results of the elected working group, "WG2." During the process some election results were questioned. There was a lot of confusion and contention around a small number of votes that could have changed the outcome. We worked together to try to decide if removing votes was correct and within our duties as the current group. We could not come to an acceptable consensus, so instead expanded the group to 12 (a suggestion from the community), which is the same size as the initial working group.

WG1 encourages WG2 to immediately tackle community standards for themselves and to further consider vote buying in future processes.

Working Group 2 Members


Congratulations to the new group, they have a long road ahead of them and many obstacles to overcome. You, the community will be a big part of that as the #working-group-feedback channel has been a place where the community comes to be involved in the daily tasks the group is discussing.

Full Voting List:
Data/Code For Generation:

There has still been a bit of confusion of what the New Working Group's actual duties are, and we understand that this is a communication failure on our part, so we wanted to try to go over that a bit more. We understand the confusion that has come with the organic and open nature of how this whole organization all began, and we are working hard to improve that going forward.

What Is The Mission Of The Working Group?

The future foundation, for which the Steem Alliance, has been proposed, is not yet structured. At this point the general concept is to be a community driven entity. There may be seed funding from Steemit Inc, who will NOT be involved in the operations of the Foundation.

It is NOT to be a governance structure for the platform.

This "Working Group" is not a group to "represent" every community in the Steem ecosystem. How to ensure all of the community is represented in future decisions of the yet to be established foundation, should be considered in the proposals stage. It is very important that the community is heard when it comes time to funding, and the "proposals" will more than likely state how they intend to do so.

This group is here to do a organizational job and its only goal is to ensure the community is heard through collecting proposals on the structure of the foundation (from the community) and present those to the public in the form of a fair election. To say that lessons were learned in the first election is an understatement. The new group will be taking all of those lessons learned, as well as the suggestions from the community into consideration to ensure the future election goes even better. We are taking all feedback into consideration to ensure the community's concerns are addressed. Including getting the information and announcements out to a larger audience.

In the future, Proposals will be called for. These proposals will serve as ideas for the future structure of the Foundation. The Working Group's main purpose is to organize the VOTE for the Proposals for Governance and Structure of the Foundation.

Once the Votes for Structure and Organization for the Foundation are complete, the WORKING GROUP's function and job is complete, and will be disbanded.

Think of the job of Working Group to be that of the Election Committee. NOT running for office. Not a position of leadership, but a facilitator.

So, The Groups Get Paid Right?

The working groups do NOT receive any payment for their volunteer hard work.

What's next?

WG2 is tasked with soliciting proposals for a Steem Foundation and managing a process by which the community can voice their preference (likely through voting). This is expected to take several weeks at the earliest. Please be patient as the process unfolds.

Currently we are working as a new group to organize and make clear guidelines for ourselves as well as how to better communicate with the community. Once we have established those important things, we will begin work on planning the proposal gathering process.

We have no intention on "dragging this out," but also want to ensure that more time is taken to ensure this is done right. The first election was to establish a community appointed working group and many say it was rushed, we believe it is important that these next steps are NOT rushed and instead be done in an organized and well thought out process.

The goal from the beginning was to be a fully transparent organization, and that will not change. We will be working on gathering all information into one easy to read document though, as we know even though "it's all out there," it is difficult to dig through all the information at times.

This is not a certain "groups" foundation or organization, it's all of ours.. The Steem Community as a whole.

The community will be involved in every decision and we hope you all take an active role in it. This is our opportunity to truly come together and make a difference, and everyone should be apart of that.

We appreciate your patience, feedback and support. All channels in the Steem Alliance Discord Server are open for the public to view, there is no hidden admin chat and you can see everything the Working Group is discussing in the #working-group channel. As well as give feedback in the #working-group-feedback channel, and we hope you all will be involved.

Thank You,

Steem Alliance Working Group

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