Tulsi - India's Divine Plant.

In continuation to my contribution to "Cornucopia of Home Remedies" for @naturalmedicine , today I will share about an important Indian plant for Week-2.

@riverflows though there is no story behind jt, but i think it is worth sharing for #naturalmedicine. One plant with multiusage, a plant use for worshipping, used in herbal tea, and essential componenet for Ayurveda.

Tulsi -Holy Basil

One of the most common plant in every Indian home. A plant known for its soothing smell, and many medicinal benefits , and an important herb for Ayurveda. A plant associated with Lord Vishnu (the creator of galaxy as per hindu mythology) is a worshipping plant, people worship this plant and lit lamp every day morning and evening.

a budding Tulsi plant at my home

Tulsi known as Holy Basil with scientific name as Ocimum sanctum is a divine plant with many Medicinal benefits apart from its association for religious purpose. It is native of Indian subcontinent and very useful for treatment of fever, asthma, lung disorders, heart diseases, and stress

Scientific studies have established that compounds in basil oil have potent antioxidant, anticancer, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties.

Not only this, people belief that mere presence of this plant is good for them, and help is removing many infections.

a grown up Tulsi plant at my home with Manjaris.

I still remember few of the local Ayurvedic doctor use to make paste of Tulsi leafes and ask us to swallow it during fever. My Mom use to make "Tulsi ka Kadha" , tulsi leafes boiled in water and mixxed with few Indian spices...a kind of soup if i get fever due to cold and cough. The drink proved to be very effective and help us to feel better.

Some of the other benefits as commonly used in Indian homes are:

  • Tulsi is a natural mouth freshner. The freshing smell on chewing few leafes is very soothing.

  • Tulsi leafes are also used in prepairing herbal Tea. A good way to add aroma to your simple Tea. Yoy will find many store selling Tulsi Tea powder in market.

Even Ayurveda have a kept a very distinct place for Tulsi. Some of the Aurvedic treatment as mentioned are:

Home Remedies of Tulsi in Ayurveda

  • Take finely grounded Tulsi leaves in around 1 tablespoon of lime juice and mix it well. Apply it on blackheads, acne and pimple at least twice a day to get flawless skin.
  • In the case of sore throat, boil the water with Tulsi leaves and take as a drink. This water can also be used as gargle.
  • Take decocotion of Tulsi leaves with honey and ginger will act as an effective remedy for bronchitis, asthma, cough and cold.
  • To get immediate relief fom influenza, take Tulsi leaves, cloves and some salt boil it in 1/2 liter of water and take it as a drink.
  • In case of kidney stones, take the juice of Tulsi leaves and honey regularly for 6 months it will expel the stones via urinary tract.
  • Take 12 leaves of Tulsi twice a day to prevent from stress and also purifies the blood.
  • To cure ulcer and mouth infections take a few Tulsi leaves and chew them for some days.
  • To cure the insect stings or bites, take a teaspoonful of fresh juice of Tulsi leaves or paste of fresh roots and apply it on the effected skin.
  • Consume the juice of Tulsi leaves which is the beneficial in the treatment of ringworms and other skin diseases.
  • Take Tulsi leaves dry in sun and make powder, can use it for brushing teeth.
  • Take Tulsi leaves mix with mustered oil and make paste. Use it as toothpaste that helps to maintain good dental health and massage it to the gums.
  • To get relief from headache take decoction of Tulsi leaves internally.
  • Pound Tulsi leaves mix it with sandal wood paste and apply it on the forehead to reduce over heat and headache.
  • Take 2 drops of black Tulsi leaves juice and put into eyes daily at bedtime which is an effective remedy for sore eyes and night blindness.
  • To get relief from pain due to burns, apply Tulsi juice mixed with equal amount of coconut oil on the burns.
  • To get quick relief from itching apply Tulsi juice mix with lemon on the areas.
  • Take paste of Tulsi, hibiscus (gurhal), neem leaves and apply it to the hair to keep it healthy and itch free.


Tulsi (Holy Basil), have occupied an important place in Indian culture and tradition. With mention in Vedas and Puranas, and have been in use since 1000 of years and having so many divine quality, It is a must have for every household.

My contribution to this week Cornucopia of Home Remedies.

Stay Calm....

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