Cryptocurrency down

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Bull market vs Bear Market .

  • Cryptocurrencies are crashing .

  • In my view the reasons for this crash are that the masses just bought the cryptocurrency for as quick profit .

  • They didn't even care about the technology behind the cryptocurrency . They didn't even care about the blockchain technology .

  • They got into cryptocurrency between December and January without even doing proper research about how Bitcoin can change the financial world . They played it like a gamble .

  • They did not study what Hodl word meant . in my view most of the new investors don't even believe in the technology that makes up Bitcoin , they only care about their profits .

  • Majority of the new investors from 2017 were young who have no prior knowledge of how trading and investing works. Most of them are weak heads . They easily get panic and sell their holdings when they face Fear uncertainty and Doubt FUD .Bitcoin crash is crashing all other cryptocurrency with it . This is why weak hands are selling at the first sight of the Bitcoin crash .Markets go up and down but it doesn't mean that the fundamentals of the blockchain technology has changed or downgraded .

  • Blockchain technology will improve further in the future .

  • I am very happy in supporting the tech development ,the potential world changing startupps that are working with it. That is the real reason I joined the cryptocommunity. I am in for the development of a technology that will change the world . I am Hodling .


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