Steem: to burn or not to burn?



Hello my dear Steemians,



My post today I decided to do because of reading more and more often such post about Burning Steem and that some of Curators of SteemcuratorXX accounts asking people to take part in such Initiative. Recently while we were running our Contest “I am WOX” I noticed this post from @ alexarelates and thought that I need to write my opinion about that too.





First of all, it is something that was brought up by Witnesses to „Burn Steem“ in order to bring the Price of Steem up but then it was a talk about thousands and maybe Millions that would be able to change the Price.

If you remember the time when once the Price of steem went to $0,50-$0,60 it was the moment when there were Millions of Steem movement on exchange that of course made a Price.

What about an ordinary user who for example received 2 - 30 Steem if he will burn it if the Price will go up or even of the Community will burn their daily payout of 100-500 Steem if that will influence the Steem?

My answer is NO, that will not change it, but that will:

  • make the poor users from developing countries even poorer
  • we know many of them can’t Power Up because they buy food for their Payout and financially support their families but why then they should instead of using Steem for their daily survival just burn and that definitely will not make sense.


People, think first and do what you think needs to be done and do not do only because you want to receive Steemcuratorxx Upvote.



CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




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