When I Run Out Of Words, I Draw


There were a lot of years in my twenties when I found it difficult to organize my thoughts into words. It was like I didn't know who I really was, or maybe it was the excessive drinking that confused my brain. During those times I would draw and I never had any clear idea of what I was going to create. For me, drawing is the same as experiencing subconscious impulses. I also never thought of myself as an "artist" so I was never thinking about who would see my drawings. I drew for myself only.


It wasn't until college that I discovered I loved to draw.

It was during my math class that I began to doodle one day. My doodling soon turned into giant drawings, done meticulously in pen and ink. I never took an art class, as I never considered myself to be an "artist". Doodling was just something I did unconsciously while my mind focused on math lectures. It then turned into one of my hobbies I did on the weekends.


Most of my drawings contain a melting post of subconscious impulses, urges, neurotic fears and feelings.

Fear is one of my primary muses and it tends to find its voice within my drawings frequently. The drawing above contains Japanese characters and at the time, during college, I was memorizing about 50 new characters per week. I also spent a lot of time being terrified of contracting STD's.


This photograph of me dressed up wearing a mask and a biker was the inspiration for the above drawing:


The rest of my drawings captured different musician friends and random people I met:





And I'll end with a self-portrait that was done with scratch board:


All art and images by @stellabelle

If you're on Twitter, you can follow me there as well: @stellabelle
I also have a YouTube channel, so if you're into watching somewhat odd videos, have a look. If you're on Linkedin, guess what, I'm there too, maybe you have a good idea we could implement?

My book, Un-Crap Your Life: Navigating Life's Crappiest Situations is available in ebook or paperback on Amazon.

I also co-authored the official Steemit 101 ebook that is available on Amazon for 99 cents.


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