Code.Org translation site went wrong - red button of each string became a #

Issue & how I found the issue-

When I worked on translation of Code.Org, an open sourced project in Crowdin, the page suddenly changed. The red square(button) icon of untranslated strings changed to # with no color. If anyone who's been associating with translation in crowdin, they will know that in front of each string for translation, there is a square icon(button), the color is red before it's translated, it changes to green after translation is saved.

here's snap shot of the screen when the red icon becomes #.

crowdin bug.jpg

This is a snapshot of green button when the translation is saved.


How to reproduce the issue-

This is first time I encountered this issue. It's hard to reproduce. Am not sure if this is server problem or crowdin site problem. As when I switched the server to google chrome instead of IE later on, the issue went away. With it said, it could be a temporary problem of hosting server. Or it could be a bug in crowdin site. As it did take me awhile to switch the server. This is what it should be look like when the site is working-

crowdin bug free.jpg

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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