I saw @ace108's post about monthlyauthorchallenge by @future24. It sounds fun and interesting. You can find the rules from @ace108's post.
This is my day 1 photo-
It's the customs in my home town, that on first day of Chinese Lunar New Year, we eat noodle with a lot of toppings like oyster, peanuts, seaweed, etc for breakfast. Noodle is a metaphor for long time and fortune. This photo was taken back in 2016.
大家好,看到@ace108 关于月作者挑战的文,觉得很有意义也有意思。如果你想了解参加的规则的话,请参照以上@ace108 的文。
这是我的第一天参加的图。是碗过年初一我们老家每家人早上起来必吃的长寿面。面上有各种不同的浇头。寓意着长寿和顺利。这张图是我在2016 春节拍的。